Reviews for Of Moonlight Shadows and Echoes Past
Pyroball353 chapter 20 . 12/11/2020
Omg! Please type more! I loooooove this story!
Pyroball353 chapter 8 . 12/9/2020
OMG so many emotions I love this story so far! I hope it never ends!
Pyroball353 chapter 3 . 12/9/2020
YAASS I love this story so far! Going into part 4 now!
Legion29 chapter 20 . 5/30/2020
Are you dead? if not then i shall wait for as long as it takes for this to update if i can wait 6 years for one fic to update then i can wait for this one.
SaruwatariAsuka chapter 20 . 6/13/2019
Oh man Cyrus :0
love this story! Do you plan on updating? : )
Mendukse chapter 1 . 6/6/2018
update plsss :3
Guest chapter 20 . 1/26/2016
i really hope you will update
Naya Zephronic chapter 19 . 7/24/2014
(I have to review this chapter, because FF wont let you double review, bah. But this is totally for chapter 20)
Aw man! It got SOOO good! The story has evolved, it sounds much more mature now. I can really tell that you don't have to limit yourself and your words anymore. I'm LOVING Anji and hope there'll be something between him and Sharie. And yes! There's no difference between clone Pokemon and real ones; (If not maybe for the evolved starters, with their funny markings) They should be able to go out into the world if that's what they want; find mates, or trainers or just LIVE.
I hope your still considering updating this again; I'm putting it on my watch list just in case! :)
Naya Zephronic chapter 20 . 7/17/2014
I haven't actually read the chapter yet, but I just want to say, WOW. WOW, I cant believe you decided to pick this up after 10 YEARS! I'm so exacting, I cant remember a THING that happened, only that I really like this story and that I thought of it fondly over the years. I have to go back and read from chapter one, but oh! I'm so giddy!
AlleyCattz chapter 20 . 10/23/2013
YES! I'm so glad you updated this story, I started reading it a few years ago and couldn't remember the title, but only the little Mewtwo's name. Please continue, I've been following this for awhile now :):):)
Moriko no Hikari chapter 20 . 9/2/2013
Ah, yes, the five Genesect. I cannot wait for them to finish translating!

On the other paw, HURRAH THIS TALE AIN'T DEAD. Hopefully you find more inspiration for it soon.
Moriko no Hikari chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
You REALLY need to replace the asterisks with italics or bold.
Shlane chapter 20 . 2/7/2013
Oh my god! I thought I was going to die of shock when I randomly flipped through my fav stories and found this had been updated, I'd all but abanonded hope. Thank you so much and I love the new chapters
Faith chapter 20 . 12/28/2012
Awesome chapter, awesome story. Keep up the great work.
kattycha01 chapter 8 . 12/15/2012
O.C done right: The compendium Ultima.
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