Reviews for In The Blood
ur number 1 fan chapter 5 . 1/18/2024
omg. sorry. guess my e(mail) didnt go through.

it's retropele, at, proton (mail) dotcom. did THAT work? jeez.
ur number 1 fan chapter 5 . 1/18/2024
hey, credit to you actually, i forgot that you predicted kakashi being the hokage! ha!

ur number 1 fan chapter 5 . 1/18/2024
just reading your story (even though i don't touch fanfiction much these days!) it's your old number one fan here, ele!

what a thing, it really takes me back, but it's been so long it's even sort of "new!" to read! thank you so much for writing it again. and what a pleasure to read, it's the absolute definition of comforting. i feel like ive got soup from my parents or something.

i hope you're doing well, i wonder about you and your original work. i'd love to hear from you, so if you read this some way, some how, email me at retropele ( ) :) i miss ya.

care and love to you,

Guest chapter 1 . 9/2/2023
Rock lee and Sakura are crazy or nutjob
Guest chapter 162 . 12/27/2022
That was wonderful, thank you for writing!
Guest chapter 155 . 12/27/2022
Things got worse a while ago but now they are getting better
Guest chapter 153 . 12/27/2022
You’re trying Sasuke
Guest chapter 150 . 12/27/2022
Oh Fuzan
Guest chapter 138 . 12/27/2022
Shikamaru really is some type of guy huh
Guest chapter 136 . 12/27/2022
Jugo you’re too good
Guest chapter 133 . 12/27/2022
I’m glad to see that things are looking up for Jugo (and Sasuke’s getting better too)
Guest chapter 131 . 12/27/2022
…I still wanna Dynamic Entry Sasuke for what he did, but I will now take him to the hospital afterwards.
Guest chapter 126 . 12/27/2022
Fuzan’s a dork, I love him. I love all of them.
Guest chapter 124 . 12/27/2022
Damn I actually teared up at Naruto’s talk with Karin
Guest chapter 123 . 12/27/2022
Thank you exorcisms
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