Reviews for Burn the Heart Out of You
A.J chapter 3 . 8/11/2013
Hi chapter 3 . 6/30/2013
This was...beautiful. I was on the verge of tears for most of the fanfic, even the ending. I don't know why, but it was perfect, in my eyes.
bookworm231 chapter 8 . 5/3/2013
I knew it! I knew you couldn't just kill Watson! That would be waayy to mean, I mean, you already killed Mrs. Hudson and half of London, you wouldn't dare killing Watson...good story by the way, really intense!
Guest chapter 8 . 2/25/2013
So, for some reason I was in the mood for angst today. I found this story, and was hooked on the first paragraph. But wow... That wasn't just angst, you ripped my heart out of my chest, pummeled it into the ground, and proceeded to light it on fire, only to somehow, miraculously not destroy it completely. Yes it it bruised, and beaten, and burned, but it continues to beat.

The power of words. It's astonishing isn't it?
Laterz chapter 8 . 2/16/2013
Haven't actually read it yet, sorry, but I'm going to and I have a feeling I'm going to like it. This is ust for a quick piece of advice.

Put this story under 'Complete'.

When I saw it wasn't complete and had been last updated a VERY long time ago, I disregarded it. Eventually I decided I might as well look. Saw the last chapter was called 'Game Over', which sounded suspiciously like an end chapter name, clicked it, saw 'The End' at the end, realized it was complete, and felt a surge of happiness.

However, I know for a fact that not everyone will give it the benefit of the doubt and do you the service of checking to make sure it's actually unfinished - - or, in this case, complete.

So . . . just a bit of advice for you. Now I'll actually go read your story. D By the way, LOVED your story 'Not Without Me'. That was absolutely BRILLIANT and I LOVED the moment when they both saw each other and realized that they were both alive. Amazing. Astounding. That's my new headcanon, and you inspired a fanfiction of my own. You, my friend, are brilliant.
Khashana chapter 8 . 2/12/2013
Awesome. Really awesome.
ThisDayWillPass chapter 8 . 2/11/2013
This was scary. Probably the most scariest thing I've read
Ellis Haley chapter 8 . 2/8/2013
This was beautiful!
RandomnessQueen1 chapter 8 . 2/3/2013
Oh, you evil, brilliant writer person, you. I love your writing style, and the raw emotion that runs through the story is just perfect. This is beautiful. I'm on my way to your page to see what else you've written now. Five stars and two thumbs way up.
RavenclawRebel chapter 8 . 1/29/2013
I AM GOING TO HURT YOU FOR MAKING ME CRY AS MUCH AS I DID. But oh my goodness this was wonderful. Everyone was so in character and I'm just blown away. Amazing. Loved the ending!
Vorel laraek chapter 8 . 1/13/2013
First, I really like this fic - the John/Sherlock and the escalation really worked, and it was fun (if dark) to read.

I also really, really loved John being the one to fake dead, and Sherlock's reaction to it.

However, I have one major problem, which made it harder to enjoy an otherwise excellent fic. Crime will not stop if Moriarty is dead. 85% of crime is a frankly ridiculous statistic, especially since most crime is much more minor and spontaneous than the interesting stuff that Moriarty arranges. Even if it's accurate, Moriarty is a *consulting* criminal - a facilitator. He manipulates people into acting on motives that are already there, or arranges things so they'll get away with it. They still have motive, and many will still commit crimes even without the consulting criminal's aid. I can believe that the crime rate will drop somewhat without Moriarty. I can definitely believe that losing Moriarty will cut down on *interesting* crime, and that Sherlock will still be bored when he's dead. However, the idea that 85% of crime in the UK - everything Moriarty's involved in - will stop without him is ridiculous to the point of being nonsensical. Moriarty helps people commit crimes. He only rarely acts directly - that Sherlock is interesting enough to require Moriarty's direct intervention is part of what Moriarty loves about him. A fair bit of crime will still happen without him, though it may be more poorly planned and less interesting to Sherlock. Actually, the fact that the same dilemma can exist without resorting to ridiculous statistics (by using the loss of interesting crime) only makes the way you did write it more annoying.

I'm sorry for ranting, especially because I really did enjoy the rest of this. But I was so annoyed by that one thing mucking up something otherwise awesome that I wanted to let you know.
Floatfoot chapter 8 . 12/28/2012
This. The angst. The angst. The feels. Brilliant job.
YaoiIsMyDrug023 chapter 8 . 11/23/2012
loved it! 33 :D
Doni chapter 8 . 11/9/2012
Engaging story. You had me at the edge of my seat the whole time. Great work with the setup and characterizations. Beautiful development between Sherlock and John...a bright point amongst all that death and loss. Well done.
Deanadelyon chapter 8 . 10/12/2012
Oh, your characterization of Jim is truly marvelous.
Cheers x
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