Reviews for Unequally Rational and Emotional
Master Attlon chapter 61 . 10/14/2024
Ryoko had a crush on Shirou? I can see that

Kotaoru staying with 3-F girls? That’s too cruel!

Man, I can just yell that Satsuki would be on Chao’s side of the Festival dispute. And wow, good on Haruka for making the 3-star inner circle facefault twice with her mutant and magical girl guesses.

Damn, i still need to read the Fate spinoffs

Poor Kotarou

Damn right Setsuna, stake your claim!

Oh man, AlaSlba involved in the initial confrontation with Ilya abd Berserker? Yes!

A quick tidbit with team psycho, glad to see they’re all still insane

Oh, I think i know which Issei this is

Glad to see Magical Girls have each other’s backs

Oh dear god I can see it all now. Nudist Beach in Ohtori. Lead by Blue Snow. Possibly recruiting Issei with his Dress Break. And Asuna catching Senjougahra. Oh. My. God.

And Minako is also a fan of Shirou’s high jump. Is that hos canon event? Practicing and getting a harem of people who watch him?

Man, what a truce to make, and a trip back to Fuyuki?! Oh boy

Damm, i want more. I need so much more. There are so many plot threads waiting to be joined
Master Attlon chapter 60 . 10/7/2024
Man, so many moving pieces.

The schools of Ohtari, Kill La Kill, and CLAMP all being contacted.

Negi’s tragic past as a sucessful supervillain exposed.

Ash and Usagi wrecking havoc.

And Negi in total denial that he has sisters. I remeber Ilya is one and that maid from Zero no Taukaima is another, but i wonder if he has more.

Also apprciate Setsuja singing the RWBY opening like that. That gave me a giggle
Master Attlon chapter 59 . 9/30/2024
Classic Fairy Tail omake
Master Attlon chapter 58 . 9/29/2024
Poor Hanai, never try to face down brilliant girlw with power. It never works out
Master Attlon chapter 58 . 9/29/2024
Poor Hanai, never try to face down brilliant girlw with power. It never works out
Master Attlon chapter 57 . 9/29/2024
Chao receuting Yami? Interssting.

Kugimin making a Pactio with Negi at the SOS brigade’s behest? Cool!

Shiho becoming Sailor Mars and ruining yhe genre with her pragmatic mecenary mindset? Hilarious!

Itoshiki killing himself again? Meh, same old

Im glad ive got more to read!
Master Attlon chapter 57 . 9/29/2024
Chao receuting Yami? Interssting.

Kugimin making a Pactio with Negi at the SOS brigade’s behest? Cool!

Shiho becoming Sailor Mars and ruining yhe genre with her pragmatic mecenary mindset? Hilarious!

Itoshiki killing himself again? Meh, same old

Im glad ive got more to read!
Master Attlon chapter 56 . 9/27/2024
And so the fight begins in earnest! Let’s see what happens!
Master Attlon chapter 55 . 9/27/2024
And now we’ve got Fairy Tail in the story proper? With Erza being a colleague of Nagi’s too? Oh man, the way anything and everything is available for this story’s world is a riot!
Master Attlon chapter 55 . 9/26/2024
And now we’ve got Fairy Tail in the story proper? With Erza being a colleague of Nagi’s too? Oh man, the way anything and everything is available for this story’s world is a riot!
Master Attlon chapter 54 . 9/23/2024
It’s so good to be back in the madness! From Haruna convincing Eva to let Rito join the club by somehow giving the vampire a footjob to demons and the Dark Kingdom working together to steal schoolgirls away in the night.

And everyone trolling Jedaite about being gay. Oh, ive missed this
Shadow Crystal Mage chapter 54 . 9/10/2024
Holy Shit, it's back? Yay!
Master Attlon chapter 53 . 5/2/2024
Man, its good to see an update!
Secundum chapter 53 . 8/4/2023
I wanted to like this. I REALLY did. The premise was great, and the writing was good.

The problem...Is the crossover elements. There are FAR too many. The first few were fine, they weren't intrusive and you don't need to know who the characters were - they were minor.

Then they kept cropping up, and got more and more relevant. I wanted to read a fic about Negima, not a hundred other characters, half of which I have no idea who they are.

I hope there's eventually a re-write or AU without all the crossover elements.
Dasgun chapter 1 . 4/7/2023
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