Reviews for Resolution
busy elle chapter 37 . 7/18/2017
Hi. I just- I don't know anymoreI have no words. Well, I do. I have lots to say. But initially I hadn't any. Okay, where do I start? I just feel the need to shower you with compliments, you know? I can't believe I sound incredibly calm, believe me, I'm not. This story, oh my god, this story. I started reading it late last night, had to FORCE MYSELF to sleep (the sun was already out!) and just finished a few minutes ago (a little after lunch). It is suffice to say, that this very welly written, very well plotted fanfiction that you have written... oh god, SIX YEARS AGO, is the culprit to why my bodyclock is messed up at the moment. I've only had two hrs of sleep because I wanted to finish this as fast as possible. But alright, I have to actually give you a proper review (and not just fangirl over your work) of the story per se. Dear lord, I hope you still read reviews because I need to let you know just how much I loved this story. I'm not exaggerating. I had moments when I couldn't. Stop. Smiling. I had to calm myself down (I had to go for a jog!) because I was too happy! This is the first James and Lily multi chaptered fic that I've read and it was a bloody great one. I've been shipping them for the longest of time but only decided to read multi chaptered fics yesterday. I can't believe I've settled for oneshots all these years. Ah, right, review. I love how you portrayed the Marauders! James especially! Lily too of course, but there were parts at the beginning where I found her a bit too self absorbed? (Don't hate me please) But I do understand that it might be because this was written in her perspective and first person narratives can sound sort of selfish. And that she is a teenager. So no harm. Other than that, it was perfect! Their banters, their pent up emotions. The character development was very spot on as well and flow of the story was so smooth. It wasn't rushed nor was it too slow. Ahhhh, I feel like I need to give you an award and congratulate you for this. Sigh. You are brilliant. Thank you so much for writing this. You've no idea how it made me feel. Hope you're having a lovely day! All the love,
Vanilla Coated Love
Anna chapter 1 . 7/16/2017
Love it!
isabel.cui8772 chapter 37 . 7/11/2017
love this ff. my favorite that I can remember and I always come back to it. not too long, more friendship and the fluff is perfect
Entchanted chapter 36 . 7/7/2017
I don't know if you're still active on ff but I just wanted you to know that I loved your story! It was quite something else, not as much fighting between Lily and James and more of a friendship between them. I enjoyed reading it!
Guest chapter 19 . 6/13/2017
When you first mentioned Jesus Navas I thought you were talking about Keylor Navas and was shaking my head in disgust, not only on your taste but also your facts as well. (Keylor Navas is Costa Rican.). However, I now see that you were talking about someone completely different, I'm still astounded by your lack of enthusiasm for The Beautiful Game. I realized I've been hating on you for this for quite a while-your story is great by the way; I think you're a great writer and should keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 12 . 6/13/2017
In French, you put the adjective after the noun.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/13/2017
Professor Epsilon? Really?
RoseKenzie chapter 33 . 6/12/2017
I am cryING
Guest chapter 37 . 6/10/2017
Absolutely fantastic! This was by far one of the best L/J fanfics I've ever read!
Guest chapter 37 . 5/30/2017
Thanks for an amazing story! You are truly talented!
Fred's fanatic chapter 36 . 5/14/2017
I've loved this thoroughly absolutely brilliant masterly
Piece of great jilly fan fiction it's been a tremendous
Journey that I've enjoyed so very much but then
The only two whose story wasn't told was James
And lily yet you made alive so vividly
It brought happy tears to my eyes.i finally know
That they were both feisty and liked getting their
Own way like most teenagers do plus their incredible
Friendships they kept until the end and beyond. Adieu
And a deep heartfelt thanks for your time looking Ve
And exceptional generosity for cheering me up after
Leaving hospital with magnificent story
Do go on relaxing holiday as you deserve it
As for fa fiction if it was t for the superlative potter
Stories trust me they'd be a winner.
All my love Elizabeth skinner from Australia.
Fred's fanatic chapter 35 . 5/14/2017
Right now I'm feeling very sad as this is the last
Time I'll be reading this exceptionally truly wondrous
Love story although of will write back to
James he's sure to have saved her letters and hidden
Them at tha back of his vault at gringo tots where
The death eaters couldn't find it its an enchantedone.
You couldn't sound snobby at all there's no fear on
That's ore trust hoping that James has the
Potters family engagement ring with him on new
Years eve is Sirius will leave them all me while
He proposes marriage to gorgeous lily whom
Will scream yes obviously .id like to thank you from the
Bottom of my heart for writing such an awe
Inspiring exceptionally thoroughly perfect radiant
Love story for these two crazy wonderful youngClassy
Magical people whom discovered the path to true love
Is full of ups and downs with an exquisite beautiful
Scenario towards the end you really deserve all the
Most golden accolades from your peers at fa fiction
For this remarkably brilliant superlative story.
Elizabeth skinner
Fred's fanatic chapter 34 . 5/14/2017
I'm absolutely loving this exceptionally dramatic
Cliff hanger I'm just wondering what happened surely not Remus still it could e been when he was transforming I love Remus the voice of sanity amongst
The others although lily might go all crazy for awhile
Perfectly has always been full
Of life at full sprint even running towards lily I'm hoping
That he'll consider this a wake up call and romantically
Spill his guts about his deep feelings for lily while
She's playing nurse this is going to be a real doozy
Of a enchanting love story but please it's time for
A very long make out session lasting hours on end
As there's not been any so far except when they were
Drunk which wasn't counted. You've become an awe
Inspiring highly talented writer whom has a inbuilt
Sense of great exceptionally wondrous knowledge
For this unique couple that's warm hearted and
Entirely magical I've changed my mind your one
In a trillion my love Elizabeth
Fred's fanatic chapter 33 . 5/14/2017
Don't get me wrong I'll always love James except he's
Making lily cry tears with his idiotic behaviour that's not
On although she could always picture him hanging upside down in filchs office smeared in honey to
Bring back her laughter apart from the last sentence this was an amazingly spectacular amusing chapter that had
Me laughing like a hyena,he's truly shy around lily for
Heavens sake he's the leader of the marauders how
Can he turn into a namby Pambula when she's right
There way to strange for a very confident smoking
Hot wizard from a pure blood family even though it's
Very very sweet however it's time me to bite the
Bullet and tell her hoe he really feels about the love
Of his heavens it shouldn't be that hard he's
A quidditch captain although she's the one so it
Could be nerves.i owe you an apology my keyboard on'
My iPads acting strangely however you'll always be my
Favourite jilly fan fiction author as this wonderful story
Has become the greatest most imaginative one I've
Read which has them as normal magical teenagers
Going through the pangs of love taken them
From hating to love so thank you very much for
Keeping their uniqueness your one in a million.
Elizabeth songs
Fred's fanatic chapter 32 . 5/14/2017
First of all I loved this chapter as I'm more interested in
Regulus than seeing lily getting drunk again although
If James doesn't cease being absolutely moronically
Stupid by going out with the obnoxious Audrey then
Lily can lose her fiery temper and give him some
Attitude before the major make out session he's
Being cowardly that's unlike James more like Peter
Actually , maybe Sirius is trying to play matchmaker
As he likes lily and thinks she's great for James he
Hated Chloe plus he's a nosy Parker whom needs
To be a big brother poking his nose where it's wanted
To quote James your spectacular story is bloody
Amazingly brilliant and totally marvellous with each
Sentence and characters that have so much heart
Sincerity caring yet strength the great mix that
Every teenager needs you're absolutely out standing
In every way as an skinner
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