Reviews for Resolution
cullenluver12 chapter 5 . 7/6/2014
This is such a good story, I'm on chapter 4 and already know I'll be all night reading it xD
TheGlassRoom chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
Guest chapter 27 . 6/24/2014
My names audrey :(
Just me chapter 14 . 6/24/2014
This"Rose" is stupid, to put it bluntly. Your writing style is amazing, captivating, and extremely realistic. I always keep reading no matter what, and even though I am just 11 years old, I can tell the difference between good writing, terrible writing, and incredible writing. Your pieces are definitely the latter. If someone had told me you had been writing since you were two and were now 80, or that you were J.K. herself, I probably would've believed them.
(To Rose:) What is so wrong with American style? I am American, and to be frank, that is insulting and so utterly unimaginative that I just want to pull my hair out. Sorry, Rose, but you are not in charge of the world and we American folk can write whatever we flipping want. If it's not to your liking, STUFF IT.
( To you again) Just because you are an amazing writer who knows their stuff and Rose cannot tell good stories from absolutely rubbish ones doesn't mean she gets to be jealous of you and flame you when you do not deserve it. Your writing is superb and her comment is unforgivably, terribly unfair, so I'm just letting you know that if I for any reason you STILL feel hurt from that blow, you are great and super cool while she is a blind, jealous bat. Don't forget it.
And thus ends my daily rant. Gods, that was long. (Don't judge. I like Percy Jackson.)
Poisonned Innocence chapter 22 . 6/12/2014
So, I read this again. The reason why is because I attempted many other Jily fics and I can't get your James out of my head every time I read someone else's portrayal of him! Your James is THE James. He is funny, witty, sarcastic, and compassionate. You've done a wonderful job as the story is even better the second time around.
Guest chapter 37 . 6/7/2014
lonelymidnights chapter 37 . 5/26/2014
i started and finished reading this all today wow im so in love with jily it's sad
caribbeanblues chapter 37 . 5/8/2014
Well, took them long enough! Haha. I was a bit frustrated, I have to admit, but it was totally worth the wait. The progress from dislike to friendship and friendship to relationship was so well-written. And the characterisation is perfect.
Your Lily is wonderful. I love how immature and a bit annoying (what with her denial and all) she can be. Too many fanfics portray her as too mature for her age and it irritates the hell out of me. Because she's a teenager, of course she won't be super mature all the time. So, I think your Lily is realistic and fun and really great.
Your James though... Omg, this is one of the best characterisations of James Potter..Probably one of my favourites. I think you nailed his character. Great job.
Also, all four of the Marauders were so well-written. And I think you captured the dynanic between them perfectly.
Just... This is a really great story and I enjoyed reading it. I'm kind of sad that we didn't really get to see James and Lily in a relationship, I'd have been happy even with just a small, short reunion scene. But I understand why you ended it like this.
So, you did a fantastic job and thank you for sharing this fic with us.
Keep up the amazing work.
Aubrey chapter 17 . 4/27/2014
Hey, love the story but I think maybe James should be a little more transparent about his love for Lilly, maybe next time huh?
FlurriesOfWords chapter 37 . 4/22/2014
Aww! So sad it's over (even now cx) but I loved it!
no-creativity-un chapter 10 . 4/18/2014
Maybe 'and' will be our always
No-creativity-un chapter 2 . 4/17/2014
jules chapter 37 . 4/16/2014
All right! Time for a proper review now that I'm done with the story. I LOVED it. This story is funny, well-paced, and thankfully has great grammar and spelling. If this was a real published book, I would buy it! Fabulous job. This is probably the best fanfic I've ever read.
jules chapter 36 . 4/15/2014
AHH AHH JILY YAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAAAAAY THANK YOU and please write a SHORT sequel :) bc there's not a lot to write but I still want a sequel.
jules chapter 34 . 4/15/2014
I AM SO MAD AT YOU NOW but thankfully u don't have to wait for the next chapter so idk why I'm mad xD
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