Reviews for Resolution
Wanderlustatheart chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
DarlingILoveYou chapter 16 . 3/7/2020
Okay I just have to tell you, I’ve re-read this SEVERAL times since you first published it, and every time I do I get ridiculously excited that my name is first up there on your top A/N because I forget that I was reading this while you were still putting it out (I very rarely follow stories and usually only read completed ones because I don’t want to be disappointed when the author doesn’t finish it). ANYWAYS, I love you and your writing and this story, and I’ll be back by the end of the year at least to read it again lol 3 much love
Nina chapter 37 . 1/11/2020
Hi! I've heard so much about this now-legendary story and have seen it recommended so many times, now that I've read it I can finally say I can see why :)

It was excellently written and characterized. Dialogue was marvelous, your James was to die for! Seriously, I might have fallen in love haha! The chemistry was great and banter was perfection.

The only thing I would have wished for was more romance. As I was thinking about this point I noticed one of your last Author's Notes mentioned the unlikely idea of a sequel. And while I doubted you'd ever write one, you did say that you had a New Year Jily meet up already written and I was hoping against all odds that you had published it as a oneshot at least. Because honestly I was left so thirsty for that, this was such a big story and romance came in so late and took such a tiny part of it, and adding to this how much A.J. has overstayed his welcome in the story and how GOOD James and Lily actually were once they got together in that one single chapter (haha), I was left so incredibly desperate for some fluff/couple content, even if it's just a oneshot. Would it be too too much to hope that you'd publish at least that drabble you said you'd written? Please? Pretty Please?

But to be realistic I'm not even sure you'll be reading this, I hope you are! But whatever it is, thank you for sharing your writing with us!
Katmiobeth chapter 23 . 1/4/2020
I know you've written this so long ago but by any chance if you ever see this I loved your story! I'm really picky with fanfiction and dislike it easily for some reason but I just couldn't stop reading yours! This was my favourite chapter.
FreyaWrackspurt chapter 37 . 12/18/2019
Excellent story
FreyaWrackspurt chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
Good first chapter
Guest chapter 37 . 10/28/2019
Oh, wow. This has been SO enjoyable to read. I think you may have developed one of my favorite James, ever! More than anything, your James development (and subsequent L/J development) was one of the most believable I’ve ever read. James was still the arrogant toe rag we all knew, and yet he grew up. He still clearly cared for Lily, but wasn’t the lovesick puppy dog that’s seen too often. I so enjoyed this, and I know I’ll be coming back again!

Thank you!
0nce Upon My Story chapter 37 . 9/19/2019
This was one of the first really good Jily fics I read. Returning to it now, after a year or so, has proved that it's as good as ever. So, congratulations on an excellent work - if anyone is reading the reviews wondering if they should read it, the answer is yes, without a doubt. This is a brilliant fanfic - characterisations are on-point, the writing is excellent, the plot is original and we'll-thought-out. My one complaint is that it's from first-person perspective, which for some reason I find extremely annoying. However, I was able to get over it enough to thoroughly enjoy all 37 chapters of this wonderful work.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/10/2019
It's hard to like Lily as most people write her, she's so rude and self absorbed. I'm out of here.
EmeraldFlower24 chapter 37 . 7/10/2019
Well... I don't know how to begin but anyway...
Thanks a ton for this amazing fic. Absolutely loved it.
The whole story was just brilliant. I loved how you developed each character (Lily and Marauders minus Peter- though no complains there) and their relationship with each other over the time. Nothing too cheesy but still capturing every emotion. It's going to be one of my favourite.

And I almost forgot, you have a way with words.. Flowing into the heart with ease.

I doubt you'll ever read the review; but still a reader has got to do their job right ;)
Thank you once again.

Emerald Flower

PS:- Anyone reading the review section whether to go ahead and read this fic, PLEASE GO READ IT. You'll surely like it.
EmeraldFlower24 chapter 29 . 7/10/2019
Somehow reading this made me really feel better; especially since I received a very heart breaking new just moments back and I felt so shattered that I just started reading this and now I'm so thankful that I was at this chapter. Dunno why though it calmed me so much.
Thank you! :)
EmeraldFlower24 chapter 28 . 7/10/2019
That was so weird... All the roses and stuff and then Lily finally saying she loves him. WTF!
Like you said, really VOM-tastic!
EmeraldFlower24 chapter 24 . 7/10/2019
Finally! Remus is back. Can't be more happy.
EmeraldFlower24 chapter 22 . 7/10/2019
Can I just cry? :(
He didn't have to say that now... Not now when she's just begin to have a soft corner for James.

Ok, I am a horrible person, but still, I hope you get what I meant.
EmeraldFlower24 chapter 15 . 7/9/2019
Nooo... Why AJ!? I can't wait to see Lily and James to get together.
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