Reviews for Resolution
EmeraldFlower24 chapter 8 . 7/9/2019
'Despite the abnormal amounts of threats to my life that I'd received in the past twenty-four hours, I couldn't help but grin as I resumed walking once more.'

This line is going to be my all time favorite I guess.

Loving the way the story is going. Very different from the regular Jily fics. Not ultimately cheesy and all. Specially liking how each character is being developed over the chapters.
Haley chapter 20 . 6/16/2019
I think your stories are really well written, it is very fun to read!
Guest chapter 32 . 5/18/2019
Thank you
Olya chapter 26 . 5/8/2019
Hey :) It's not a usual chapter review and sorry for that.
I just decided to drop in and say that your fanfic is one of the best I have read and I absolutely love it and it made me stay up late until 4 and I was late for work today and let me say I don't regret it at all.
It fascinates me how you depict characters of Lily & Marauders because it is just perfect. Thank you, I can thank you enough for all the joy your story brings for me.
Lot's of love from Ukraine,
Mia chapter 24 . 5/6/2019
so is remus and the carin girl going to get together?
Mia chapter 1 . 5/4/2019
*gasps. dies*
Fayejase chapter 36 . 2/22/2019
Yeah totally worth reading. It’s gets bloody good once Lily gets a personality. Your writing style is great. Your original ideas. The banter. Obviously I wish you would have kept going with it. But awesome job.
Guest chapter 29 . 2/22/2019
"Do you think anyone's ever going to stop him? Voldemort, I mean?" said Lily to James.
Little do they know that their son Harry will defeat him
Brilliant story btw!
My least fav character would be A.J. Mainly because i am a huge James n Lily shipper haha
Fayejase chapter 16 . 2/21/2019
This story was agonizing until chapter 11. Lily is just soo freaking annoying. She needs to learn how to have fun and not be such a downer and angry all the time.

But it’s finally been picking up the past few chapters and I’m getting excited for all the new developments! It’s starting to really get good.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
This is the first Harry Potter fanfic im going to read... idk why but tonight I've been curious with how lily and james fell for each other and I know this is probably not how JK Rowling thought of but I feel desperate to satisfy my need of an answer. Looking forward reading this !
Fayejase chapter 3 . 2/20/2019
So far all Lily talks about is James this James that. And she’s just so annoying lol. She needs to chill.
Bungaroon chapter 37 . 2/2/2019
I love this fic so much. It's just really down to earth. Like, everything moves at a really nice pace, everything is pretty realistic, and it lacks everything cliche that i hate about most jily fanfiction. I just adore the characterizations and the plot and james and lily's friendship and lily and james and everything else. I've read it time and time again, and I love everything you write to this day.
Guest chapter 37 . 1/18/2019
You’re story is amazing! I absolutely love it! It’s my 4th favorite Marauders Era story! Its also my 3rd favorite Jily story and my 5th favorite HP story! And I basically spend my life reading- both books and fanfiction (Marauders Era is my favorite). If this weren’t based off of a real story, I’d say you could probably publish it. The characters are so real! I really like your Lily- yes, she’s a little immature, and she’s not perfect, but she’s a teenager and human! It comes with the territory! I think those things make your character even better. Also, those 2 Jily fics you recommended are my 2 favorites!
sillynora chapter 21 . 12/27/2018
When do James and Lily get together? I've read 20 chapters and I need Jily. I mean, A.J. is great and all, great boyfriend in real life, but NOT FOR LILY. Jily is the best.
DJArla chapter 37 . 11/26/2018
Love this. Love the way you wrote it. Although I would have liked more of an insight into their eventual relationship, I thought it had great plot and character development.
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