Reviews for Aberration
DragonANGL chapter 20 . 2/8
Coming to this 9 years late, but thanks for this fanfic!

Hope you survived the pandemic (and survived Boruto), and might eventually continue on with this!
Guest chapter 20 . 12/29/2024
I love your story. I understand if you don't want to update. It's fine to give the story up if you don't feel like you can write more of it. But I want you to know that I love your story, and will probably re-read a lot. Bye.
niylaina chapter 20 . 7/18/2024
"I'll finish this story if it kills me! (it might)." - Rin'O Gen, january 2016. Famous last words
Redangel14 chapter 9 . 5/12/2024
Rae could teach other kids martial arts
Redangel14 chapter 20 . 5/11/2024
Will you continue? I like that Naruto has an older sister to teach him self defense.
Defiant7 chapter 6 . 4/28/2024
this is a fucking dogshit story with so many plotholes. indecisive author that changes her decision and how shell act every chapter.
iamvioletta chapter 20 . 3/24/2024
I just binged this and its soooo goood! Love love love this !
Tim Ngu chapter 20 . 3/8/2024
It’s a shame this story stop. Hope to see you update again but if not then that’s okay. Gonna miss this story.
Zeke Hooper chapter 20 . 3/7/2024
wish it was longer.
Zeke Hooper chapter 13 . 3/7/2024
sixsix...that's funny.
DrJhonnylol chapter 20 . 3/4/2024
I will never read an oc fic if it will end like this. Why!? Oh tell me why!? Will you give me something so precious like this and just leave it like that?on an unrelated note. I loge your work!
Guest chapter 20 . 1/10/2024
I'm pretty sure you have discontinued the book, I just wanted to say it was really good and one of my favorite Naruto fanfictions.
gwencarson126 chapter 20 . 11/16/2023
Gr chapter 20 . 10/23/2023
I like how she has become a mother to Naruto and I hope you continue to develop their relationship. Update when you have a wonderful story here!
EricFreak chapter 20 . 9/27/2023
Shame you haven't come back to this really fun story. I had a good time reading it. Fav Followed if you ever decide to update this again.
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