Reviews for Clutter
d'elfe chapter 200 . 7/11/2023
Brilliant, as always in your works. There are so many little details here and there, like the fact that shippo disguises as his mother, that makes it worth noticing.
One little regret, though, is that your endings are always so short. Aftr all this anticipation, we long to see the friends reaction, the mom as well. More of them together, at last. Your build up is intense and I always feel like i tumble off a cliff as the end because the ground gives way beneath my feet
Guest chapter 200 . 6/19/2022
so cuuuuuute! LOVED IT!
Guest chapter 128 . 6/19/2022
Ugh! My heart! It makes me so sad to think of the hardships that little Shippo has gone through for so many years! And my heart warms at the thought of Kaede helping him, but wilts when I think of him watching her grow old and knowing that one day she'll be gone, and leave him.
Returning fan chapter 200 . 6/18/2022
After more than 11 years from publishing this, people are still finding it and it’s pure joy! I love your SessKag writings and must admit, I put off reading this one thinking it wouldn’t interest me but I was hooked right away. The way you write their thoughts and thoughtfulness for each other (and others) is so incredibly heartwarming. I’ve definitely come back to your stories when I’ve needed a pick me up. Thank you for sharing your creativity!
Coolfire30 chapter 199 . 4/9/2022
This made me happy.
Coolfire30 chapter 53 . 4/9/2022
ahhh...there we go...hehe...Sesshoumaru's battle begins.
Coolfire30 chapter 39 . 4/9/2022
PFFFT..."This is...hnn... Squishy..."
Definitely not regretting rereading this again.
ACB621993 chapter 113 . 2/25/2022
Oh wow this one took a turn real fast
ACB621993 chapter 112 . 2/25/2022
Hahaha he asked for paper to write it down
ACB621993 chapter 95 . 2/25/2022
Aww. Now we’re getting into the fluff
ACB621993 chapter 34 . 2/25/2022
God, I’ll admit, I’ve been kagome before. Never in the oven but definitely hid them when an unexpected visitor stopped by
ACB621993 chapter 18 . 2/25/2022
He lead a revolt against chaos hahah I just want to know if this is an au where he was lord sesshomaru lord of the west
ACB621993 chapter 16 . 2/25/2022
Omg I just woke my kids up laughing at this one the others are all funny too. It might be the wine idk lol but I’m always iffy about modern day aus but I’ve laughed at almost every chapter. I know I’ve read your stuff before because I know your disclaimer I’m just trying to remember which other and if I laughed as hard
FatigueMakesMeTired chapter 200 . 9/17/2021
FatigueMakesMeTired chapter 33 . 9/17/2021
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