Reviews for Myrddin Emrys Returns
kawasaki1298 chapter 40 . 10/1
This has been ruined by gun warfare imo
kawasaki1298 chapter 31 . 9/29
So just add daphne into the mix and follow the original story line now huh?
kawasaki1298 chapter 14 . 9/29
Ive always disagreed with hermiones decision to tell as at the end of the day it wasnt her decision to make for harry just my 2 cents
FFF2148 chapter 42 . 9/2
What an enjoyable read, typos and incorrect word choices didn't really affect the readability of this fic much at all.

I'm extatic that you didn't lean on canon much if at all in the 2nd half of this.

Curious though, what happened to the Tonks, Remus, Narcissa, the other members of 'The Ministry 7'

Most of all... I have to ask (apols if this has been asked before) but, why did you have to kill dumbles? Between severus, dumbles and harry they could've incapacitated and dispatched the mob up on the tower and faked dumbledores death.

(Surprisingly I don't feel dirty after writing the last paragraph) you've done an incredible job of writing a balanced fic with next to no unwarranted bashing of any character...

lartessier44 chapter 41 . 9/2
A brilliant read, and the end with Snape was great. Wel done Suthir lived it from start to finish.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/31
(AN"Sorry about the cliffy in the last chapter. I was suffering a bad migraine and was feeling a bit evil." )

Hope the migraine wasnt too intense.


What cliffhanger? You're pretty much copy/pasting canon and adding snippets of Daphne and Merlin into the mix..

Hopefully the reliance on canon lessens as we get further into the fic
gokuson13579 chapter 22 . 8/29
i love this story. I have read it over 20 times i think, and this scene at the yule ball is always my favorite scene. every time I read it I listen to the song and always tear up. It is just so beautiful.
madison.beaumont00 chapter 6 . 8/12
I’m not one for homophobia and am in fact bi but i love “pillow biting son” lolololol
Alice Scarlett Knabel chapter 10 . 7/29
I'm sorry but i wouldn't be cool with someone following me why harry just takes it
Alice Scarlett Knabel chapter 9 . 7/29
nice nod the the actor change
Epeefencer chapter 36 . 6/18
A fitting end for Malfoy and it was right that Astoria was the one who did away with him.
kawasaki1298 chapter 28 . 6/10
Beautifully done story so far i cant stop reading
Guest chapter 14 . 6/9
death eater trash snape dumble rent boi lol
Guest chapter 7 . 6/6
child abuser prison for you dursley trash
KB4RC chapter 3 . 5/31
I can't believe it took 9 years to write this story. Serpensortia is the true spelling.
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