Reviews for Spellbound
Estepheia chapter 5 . 4/4/2002
If this story had been written in prose you'd have at least 3 times as many readers. (I noticed that the sequel is in prose. I read a few paragraphs before checking out this story. Now that I've finished this I will read the sequel. I will also put you on author alert). I can't believe that this is your first fan fiction. You capture the series perfectly, the timing, the characters, the cuts, the arc of tension, the snappy dialogue, body language. This story is truly like an episode.

I loved Spike's payback on Halfrek, loved Jonathan, the X-men reference, Spike's spot-on dialogue.

Normally, when I'm reviewing I wonder if I should mention what I didn't like (sometime I do, sometimes I don't). In this case I have no reservations. Lovely Episode!
Wavefroggy chapter 1 . 3/9/2002
This is awesome - unbelievable first attempt - keep them coming! especially a sequel - what happens next?
SylviB chapter 5 . 3/8/2002
It's not really the end, right? Please tell me it's not the end, that you're gonna do a sequel? Because if you let it that way, it's just too sad. Spike cannot leave her, or at least not forever.
darkravine chapter 5 . 3/5/2002
Suffice it to say - there definately will be a sequel. I am a huge B/S shipper, but I don't like how they've been together more recently. That's why the ending was the way it was. I'm not sure if the sequel will be in script format as well - I found it extremely difficult not writing the characters' thoughts, feelings, ect. Just call me a details kind of gal (except when it comes to gods and goddesses LOL) Thanks for all the awesome reviews. It really helped me to focus and keep working on the script every day.

More to come soon hopefully!
Eve chapter 5 . 3/5/2002
What? What? What? What? You evil, evil author.

*Ahem* Sorry about that. Just a little miffed at the way you ended the story. But, I love the rest of it! Really, I do. Arg.

Okay. Starting over.

I loved this fic. It was exciting, suspenseful, and you redeemed Jonathon. And, as was mentioned before, the end made me mad (and sad). But overall, I really enjoyed it.
Juxtose chapter 5 . 3/5/2002
you stupid evil little!...! how can you do that! i hate you! oaky so i don't hate you, i dont even know you. i did like the story - your a very good author, but dammit there better be a sequal. toodles, all the best!-Juxtose
cb chapter 5 . 3/5/2002
Minor niggling point. Osiris is male.
asdf chapter 4 . 3/3/2002
Amazing! So many good stories in script format now. Well, at least three, but anyway, it is mind-blowing to think that this is your first fic and it's so fantastic. Most people's scripts are kinda, wel, dumb, but you and frawley are really good at it. Keep it up and I'll be waiting for the final act.
Kara chapter 4 . 3/3/2002
Very good story-please write more ASAP!
bulmasb chapter 1 . 3/3/2002
i dont think buffy should forgive spike for sleeping with halfrek and she should be sick just by the sight of him

pokey chapter 4 . 3/2/2002
Very cool story. Jonathan in a skirt was funny but Spike and Halfrek was nausating (and nasty and gross and icky and disgusting, etc.) Still intresting story.
SunnyD chapter 4 . 3/2/2002
Oh thank god Spike didn't go all 'evil' and kill Xander.
SunnyD chapter 3 . 3/2/2002
I am confused...why is Spike with Halfrek. I am hoping that he is just doing this to help Buffy out.
pokey chapter 2 . 3/1/2002
Really intresting, I like the story idea.
cecily chapter 1 . 3/1/2002
me likey
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