Reviews for Spellbound
SunnyD chapter 2 . 3/1/2002
I love this man. I want to see what happens with Buffy and Spike and Anya and Xander! Hurry up with the next Act.
LS chapter 1 . 3/1/2002
Hey! Okay, consider yourself, very, very special because I never, hardly, ever review and here I am reviewing your fic. This is really good so far, like I could seriously see all this really happening. Also, just wondering, you said spoilers for the wedding...are you sure it's not gonna work out? Or is that just your own idea...anyway, continue soon! Mucho amor! -LS
Reader chapter 2 . 3/1/2002
Very Buffy-like. In fact, better than most of the shows have been this season. Please continue. But don't do anything too awful. We have Marti Noxon for that.
Cat chapter 2 . 3/1/2002
Great! Very realistic to the show. Hurry with more !
Banana Boy chapter 1 . 2/28/2002
This is good... More please... Keep it coming... Feed me!
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