Reviews for The Movement of the Earth |
TheAlphasBoy chapter 11 . 8/4/2019 I'm not finished reading this chapter but the scene between Charlie and Bella makes my heart happy. so many authors make them so distant from each other and Bella doesn't attempt to have much of a relationship with him. I don't see Bella as the type of person to not even try to be close to her father. I really appreciate this scene and it has definitely made this story one of my favorite Twilight stories. |
WizMonCruWil chapter 16 . 6/13/2019 So, I have never been a Twilight fan. In my writing career, I have written over 400 stories, and maybe dived into Meyer's world... three times. Tops. But then, I found my way here, wondering if there ever was a Jacob/Bella imprint story. Lo and behold, you delivered. BIG TIME. I adored Bella's voice, and the little nips and tucks of comedy were all there. The way she describes high-stress situations in such clinical terms was almost funny all on its own. This DEMANDED a sequel; I couldn't stop reading! Hell, you could (and SHOULD) write a follow-up to The Fire of the Sun without breaking a sweat! I adored this! |
Hannani chapter 16 . 4/25/2019 Oh my god. I was so convinced that I could never EVER like a Twilight fanfic, and here you go, proofing me all wrong. I laughed and was anxious for the characters and I felt for Bella - who would have ever thought that? I loved your story and I'm so glad that you shared it! Thank you so much for this gem! :) |
OCQueen96 chapter 16 . 4/8/2019 This was absolutely amazing! I couldn't stop reading for the life of me! And I understand your frustration with Stephanie Meyer. The first three quarters of New Moon were great. Edward left and she was setting up a romance between Jacob and Bella that spoke of maturity and recovering from heartbreak. Then BAM! The Cullens come back out of thin air and Bella returns to Edward without a second thought. She ruined the entire book! I prefer your version of New Moon over Meyer's version without a doubt! :) (Not to mention, had Meyer chosen this direction, she wouldn't have had to settle for that bizarre cop out where Jacob imprints on Bella's and Edward's infant daughter, but I won't get into the momentous creepiness of Breaking Dawn...) Anyway, thank you for this masterpiece! I will now move onward to the sequel! Keep writing, because you are amazing at it! :) |
Guest chapter 2 . 4/1/2019 Was "shits sunshine" in the original? I can't remember... :) Thanks again for another great chapter. In the years since I first read this, I'd forgot what a good writer you are. |
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2019 I saw a car with a Twilight bumper sticker the other day, and it reminded me of how awful the books are and how awesome the soundtracks are. And that reminded me of how there are amazing writers who did so much more with the (admittedly) addicting world that Stephenie Meyer created, regardless of how horrible her actual writing and plot lines are. So here I am, rereading your incredible version again. I know it's years in the future, but thanks for posting back when you did. |
FelineNinjaGrace chapter 19 . 3/22/2019 *Halleluijah Chorus Sings* I'm SOOO happy that you got writer's karma and have to write a sequel! This is my first time reading, and I had to read until I was done. I was so absorbed in the story I didnt have time to comment! ?Although I will admit, I HAD been hoping for Bella to go cliff diving so that way Edward's voice would come back after it disapeared. And then Jacob would HAVE to touch Bella, skin to skin :D Muahaha! ) When you got to that part with Edward disappearing into the woods and Jacob giving her a goodnight kiss...and then just left it there...I thought I was going to have to call the calvary. Seriously, I was freaking out like, "WHAAAAT?! How DARE she write this story and then stop when it hasnt reached its happily ever after!? Bad form Mr. Smee, bad form indeed! I mean, sure Meyer sucks, BUT AT LEAST SHE FINISHED THE SAGA!" _ So, you can imagine my delight and surprise when the 'Reading Gods' demanded a sequel. Good to know you came to your senses before I'd even started reading XD You're an AMAZING writer and you've done a marvelous job. |
Guest chapter 16 . 3/16/2019 Oh damn. You’ve destroyed me. This is the best damn piece of fan fiction i’ve ever read. You just captured every bit of the characters so perfectly and made this story the way it should be... I love it. I love it so much! |
HollyAnne Ellene Hoernig chapter 16 . 3/7/2019 Is there a follow up to this story? I need to know what happens next! |
HermioneRon 4ever chapter 21 . 1/8/2019 It's funny, reading this story and loving it to pieces, staying up till 3am when I love my sleep more than anything (with a 3 year old to boot), and then reading your sanity notes about how much you hate the style. Maybe I'm easily entertained, but I loved Twilight, and this story really did make me feel like it could have just as easily been what happened, and I absolutely loved it. So I'm very thankful that you decided to take on this attempt at Meyer-verse, and I'm looking forward to checking out the sequel and your other work. |
Sophia chapter 16 . 1/7/2019 Hello. I actually don't know when you wrote this. I just saw there's a sequel. I don't know when you wrote that either, or whether you are even still active. You probably aren't... After reading the Author's Notes, I wasn't going to leave a comment. Because I unironically loved this story. I don't really "care" whether you dumbed down your writing style for this story. I loved the parts about the werewolves. Imprinting and vampires-as-predators as these weird, kind of eerie supernatural phenomenon were really, really well done, I thought. Maybe the thing I liked most. Oh, but wait - The chapters in which Harry has a heart attack up until the hospital conversations were a TRIP. Especially when it turned out that Kim had gone to bed early. Just... amazing. I'll try to sleep now and read the sequel tomorrow. Thank you for taking the time to write all this! |
kalondev chapter 21 . 11/24/2018 Loved this story. I didn’t fully believe I’d find a good Twilight fanfiction, but rewatching New Moon made me desperately want a rewrite in Jacob’s favor. I didn’t realize that this entailed massive character growth on Bella’s part as well, and luckily, this story delivered on both ends. It was like reading a better-written version of Twilight! I admire how you stuck with writing in Meyer’s style, despite the difficulty, and I LOVED how you expounded upon the original while giving the characters massive developmental arcs. Strong female friendships did not feature heavily in any of the books, but your treatment of Emily and Jessica allowed them and Bella to grow as three dimensional characters while remaining true to the books. Jessica especially struck me — I loved how you emphasized her intelligence while adhering to her girly nature. She and Charlie were my favorite characters. While there are many other aspects of your story that I could love on, I want to point out one more before I go. Your writing actually looked at the economic differences between the vampires and werewolves, along with how Bella’s life might change depending on who she was with. It made me wonder at how the wolf pack could remain financially stable at all, regardless of Bella, and I appreciated being exposed to a part of the story I’d never really thought about. Great story. Thank you for the sequel, and I look forward to reading more of your work. |
wcqaguxa chapter 6 . 11/23/2018 I read this chapter uncontrolably smiling, thank you for creating this precious thing! Lot's of love, I can't even tell you how much I love all the work you put into it 3 |
Appreciatorofallmasterofnone chapter 21 . 11/17/2018 So much better! |
team jacob chapter 13 . 11/5/2018 ok loving the story but why would Victoria be trying to still kill bella if she isn't edward's mate? i personally don't like this part of the story for that, damn. also yess im reading this in 2018 |