Reviews for The Movement of the Earth
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
Wow Your actually going to voluntarily try and write as horribly as Meyers? I feel for you. I can only hope you survived. As for the story, we seem to be off to a solid start.
Otter chapter 21 . 7/7/2014
Okay, first off, there had better be a sequel to this, or I'm going to kick a puppy.
Secondly, I though there were twenty one chapters. No. As a writer, you DO NOT. DO. NOT. Make your notes a chapter- especially not MULTIPLE CHAPTERS.
I hate you. So much. You know why? Cause this story is so DAMN GOOD.
I swear to Christ, if I don't get a resolve from this story, or if there isn't a sequel, I'm going to shove your head up Stephanie Meyer's ass. That's the last place you want to be.
I don't threaten people like that unless their stories are that good.
So you'd better come up with a resolve.
BlackAngelWings1010 chapter 17 . 6/23/2014
I love you so much. Dump your husband and marry me because you actually wrote a decent story, with a plot and pairing that I enjoy, in Meyer-prose. I hated the books so much, with the movies only being slightly better because of the oh so heavenly six pack of Taylor Lautner. I love how you protrayed the Bella and Jacob romance, because it seems like something that might happen with actual human responses, despite the fact that there is a minority of human characters. I also feel like if I was in Bella's position, there is no way I would choose Edward over Jake's glorious six pack. I also feel like he's the only one Meyer gifted a personality to. I mean come on, Bella has no backbone and is constantly out of the character she doesn't have. All the girls are either sweet ie. Emily, Kim, Angela or a total typical mean girl ie. Lauren, Jessica, Leah, and very vampire mentioned, with the exception of Esme, who would fall into the aforementioned category. The wolves barely play any roles, except Paul, who is a total dickhead along with Sam, and Quil and Embry, who have no purpose except for showing that Jacob has friends. Leah, however, is a bitch for a perfectly good reason, and if I were in her shoes I'd be long gone before I'd even reached eighteen. Jake, however, has his own feelings, like a crush on Bella which admittedly does morph unexpectedly into total adoration almost instantly. But he's stubborn, which is partly an actual flaw, which all other characters seem to be free of, and partly a good thing, considering my preferences. His actions are reactions to the world around him that actually make sense- although I'd expect him to wonder why Bella never told him about the Cullens. I have more to say on the subject, however I have no time left.
Another thing is that most fanfiction writers can write circles around Meyer's skills. What skills?
Nevertheless, you pulled this off, so congratulations are in order.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/28/2014
You know, reading your sanity updates I can't figure out how you ended up writing fanfiction about this book in the first place.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/28/2014
This might be an original text thing too, but in the last chapter when Sam tells them to take bella "to Emily's " it seemed wrong. Do they not live together? And why would Emily, a makah, have a house on this reservation without him? Also, Jake calls his dad Billy when speaking about the shoes. I remember noticing weird forgetful errors like that in the books, but its been years now since I read them. I do not envy the job you have given yourself.
AliceWhitlock19 chapter 16 . 5/21/2014
This is how New Moon should have ended. Without Bella being stupid and saying oh Edwards back yay! idiot. I love it, I actually cried!
jenfrankel chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
Okay, I am JUST starting this on the advice of my publicist, and just with the intro to the intro and the author's note - well, we'll just say I am impressed, intrigued, and a little in love. A very worthy project, although just this side of madness. Can't wait to read it all!
Guest chapter 16 . 4/16/2014
It's soooo good! I read all the books and really missed the characters. I REALLY wish you had written the saga! It's just so great! thanks!
Guest chapter 5 . 4/7/2014
Type your review for this chapter here...
Meiyo no Ko chapter 20 . 2/28/2014
There are no words for how much I love this story, and your writing in general. You manage to spin literary gold out of the muck - filled straw that is Meyers' original work. You're like a Goddess of Literary Rebirth and Second Chances.

I pay homage to you.

*goes to read sequel immediately*
SarahElizabeth1313 chapter 20 . 12/14/2013
I went from super sad to pissed to annoyed to amused all with in 5 minutes of reading though the notes after the chapter. For writing the sequel...I love you.
JlovesGaara chapter 8 . 12/6/2013
Thank fuck she is finally thinking about a potential relationship with jacob. Seeing this ripped up and pathetic bella just makes me sick :)
ladyj0490 chapter 4 . 11/9/2013
Why is Jacob being a noob!? Ugh!?
rainbowlollipops15 chapter 21 . 9/9/2013
I've probably mentioned this before in previous reviews but i can just say that this fic is unbelievably incredible. Without a doubt the best twilight fan fiction i've read on this site or any other. You took the characters and the potential that Meyer wasted and you actually made them decent. Which is a feat in itself, I mean when you look at Meyer's absolutely 2D Bella, who is a complete Mary Sue and has very little good aspects. and then your Bella is a person who doesn't sit back and let others save her, or go around snogging two boys. Once again, I am in awe of talent and thanks to the sanity updates, I know how much time and effort (and sanity) went into creating this story and I want to say thank you for writing it
Molly Dooker chapter 19 . 9/8/2013
I'm laughing and cringing and feeling a hellova lotta sympathy for you. From the update date i can only assume(?) you have recovered from the ordeal. My heart goes out to you, entirely.
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