Reviews for Misguided Ghosts
moleking chapter 4 . 9/28/2010
i like it theirs not really any lulls, keep going,
everyoneisMISunderstood chapter 3 . 9/26/2010
Wal-mart on the weekends is absolutely insane... not in a good way. Screaming kids running you over, immature teenagers playing with a various assortment of things down the toys' aisle (and yes, I have been one of those people before), and adults trying to stay awake. What a fun way to get a headache... Though if it gives opportunity for Chlerek, I can't pretend to be too disgruntled ;)

You know what I love? That I know all of these songs so I don't have to look them up on YouTube. And I love that they correspond really well with each chapter.

I love how Simon is the one to point out that Chloe and Derek are one of the greatest couples ever but he's such a player XD It just seems kind of funny to me. Ah, I love him so.

But not as much as Derek. I can't decide if I like him better sleeping and innocent or awake and yelling at people lol.

Hope you update soon, I'm still really excited to see where this is going!

I really want to know who is the mastermind: Tori or Simon. I think it's probably both, but man, it's just so hard to tell!
Winkadink chapter 3 . 9/26/2010
Love the chapter! I love the whole bet between Chloe and Derek about whose idea it was, Im betting Simon. But I will never underestimate the powers of Tori! Please update soon ;)
Derekluver542 aka ashley chapter 3 . 9/24/2010
I love this book! I like how you kept the characters in ...well, in character. :) Except for Chloe, she seems like a real BI right now. But that's probably 'cuz of Derek. And poor, poor Derek. haha. He's my favorite character, so nothin' better happen to him. :) just playin though, update soon. I hope to see more of this wonderful story. Ugh, I sound like an adult. yuck.
Lauren94 chapter 3 . 9/24/2010
You have NO idea how much the suspense is killing me. With every word I read, I hold my breath, waiting to find out what went wrong, what happened, what IS happening with Derek now. Basically, I want Simon to magically disappear, leaving Derek and Chloe time to be alone, time to somehow get trapped in closed, confined corners, forced to deal with each other and forced to face the truth. I love this story. Please update ASAP!
suzi1811 chapter 3 . 9/24/2010
I love Chicago I've been there three times to visit my aunt and cousins that live over there! I think they're both right, both Tori and Simon are in this together! Wonder what will happen in Chicago and where Derek disappeared to for the month after he and Chloe broke up? I really really can't wait for the next chapter now! Is Derek planning on moving to Chicago and not told anyone? Is that why he has a 'friend' there that Simon mentioned? Update soon!
xoxlisa101xox chapter 2 . 9/21/2010
amazing hurry up an do you think you could do some chaps with Dereks pov
ReadingInTheDark chapter 2 . 9/18/2010
Love love love it... please keep going!
Winkadink chapter 2 . 9/18/2010
Love the chapter! Can't wait for more action and twists! Please update soon:)
everyoneisMISunderstood chapter 2 . 9/17/2010
You got to see Paramore live? You are one of the luckiest beings alive, and I am exceedingly jealous of you.

I can definitely see where Simon would be one to run a red light, whereas Derek would be all straight laced while driving XD

I just love Derek. Even when I'm mad at him and Chloe for being broken up, I'm still fangirling over him which just seems wrong... How can someone be such a jerk but so freaking lovable at the same time?

I have no idea how you're going to fix Derek and Chloe's damaged relationship, but I trust that you can do it tastefully.

I hope you update soon because really, this is phenomenal, and your writing is excellent!
everyoneisMISunderstood chapter 1 . 9/17/2010
Well, well. Do I sense a Paramore fan? Of course I do! This is exciting, because I am admittedly, a huge Parawhore, so much so that I am not offended by a term like that which could be considered derogatory. Ha!

Much as I love writing Darkest Powers fanfiction, I don't read very much of it, but this is truly unique, and I'm very excited already to see what you have in store, especially coming from the authoress of Underdog. Which, by the way, was probably one of my favorite fanfictions I've ever read :)

I will go and review the next chapter!
moleking chapter 2 . 9/17/2010
keep going its developing great
moleking chapter 1 . 9/17/2010
loved it almost nobody does a future story were Chloe and Derek didn't work out, i really like it
suzi1811 chapter 2 . 9/17/2010
Love it! I hope they work it out? I wonder why Derek was so angry, what did he discover that made him lash out and get upset? Maybe if they'd talked instead of either shouting at or ignoring each other they wouldn't have split cause I think they still love each other. Wonder who Derek's 'friend' is? Never never put Simon behind the wheel of a car! Update soon!
not-so-innocent011 chapter 2 . 9/17/2010
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