Reviews for Misguided Ghosts
gemini169 chapter 9 . 6/22/2011
I actually went to a show on that tour in California. I love those bands. :] Congrats on getting engaged! I'm still with you so I'll go vote.
Anja Midnight chapter 9 . 6/22/2011
I'm so happy that you're engagment and I really think you should keep the story going because if you re-write it I'm going to go insane having to wait for the resolution. It's great the way it is and again congrats on your engagment. :) :) :)
Lilmissninadanvers chapter 9 . 6/22/2011
Please keep going on this one I want to see what happens I want mila dead :) that's a good one :P

update real soon please I love this story
everyoneisMISunderstood chapter 9 . 6/22/2011
Oh my god. HAPPY ENGAGEMENT! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

That's awesome. Bet it makes reasonable in-laws worth it, right? Wow, I'm just so happy for you! Congratulations, seriously, congrats.

I would recommend not removing this chapter though just because those of us (like me) who decided to fangirl all over the place about your engagement won't be able to review the actual chapter once it's in place. I think. But maybe I'm just slow. Probably.

Sorry, I'm rambling, and I'd just like to say that I'm really glad you're back. I was just thinking about this story, actually.

SO. Anyway, yay, congratulations! (AGAIN!)

Hope you do have the time to update.
doarfthXx chapter 9 . 6/22/2011
Continue deff and congratulations on the engagement! Sorry about all the other crap:( but have one important thing to say about this story...

suzi1811 chapter 9 . 6/22/2011
Ok, so this means I won't be able to review when you take this down and put up the new chapter (well not unless I Pm you!) but feel a need to anyway so, congrats on the engagement and I can't believe all the shit you've gone through, no wonder you have had writers block dealing with all that I don't blame you! I'll admit right now I was torn how to vote on the poll cause on one hand a rewrite might have gone better for Derek but on the other hand we'd all have to wait longer to get the rest of the story and I'll admit my impatience won out (sorry Derek!) so I voted for the original to continue cause I just can't wait to get the rest of the story and hopefully see Derek and Chloe reunited permanently really soon cause I really want mommy and daddy to stop fighting as, I'm sure, do Tori and Simon! Looking forward to the update and glad to hear everything's getting back on track for you!
KakiTenshi chapter 9 . 6/21/2011
OMG Im surprised you haven't die from stress. Oh and,

CONGRATS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT! If I tell you my info, could I come? jks ;D

I still love you to death with this story and I'm glad you haven't dropped it. For being a writer that's had something like this (In a smaller means) I understand and hope you get out a chapter ASAP for all of our enjoyment. Take your time, it'll be better that way :D

As for which way I want, I don't mind either. HOWEVER I really want to know what was going to happen next, IT'S KILLING ME! :(

Here's a plate of brownies for all of your troubles, and I'll take some of your cookies, there good xD Hope your happy and your marriage goes well. I'm rooting for you girl! :D ;D XD ;)
MizBizSav chapter 9 . 6/21/2011
I usually get a little mad when I see a new chapter was posted and get all excited, only to find out it was a silly update. Ha, usually. I read your author's note and smiled at the end. Why? YOU'RE ALIVE!

Haha, anyways, I've been a fan since the beginning. For the lack of a better term, I stalked your story each day, jumping up and down when there was an update. And when there wasn't? I discussed this story with my fanfiction-junkie friend at school. Oh man, obsessed much? I'd say so! :D

I did review a few times before(under the name "anonymous"... original, much?), but this is my first time reviewing under an official account. ;)

Anyways (I'll be saying that a lot), I'm so glad things are calming down a bit for you! Even while reading this update I could feel the tension of your world resting on my shoulders! he he

I personally think that you should continue on with this story as oppose to rewriting the entire thing. I've loved it so much and have such a vivid timeline etched into my brain, I think it'd mess me up if you completely rewrote it, but hey, maybe that's just me.

I also think you should continue with your Paramore-themed chapters as they are my favorite band and were initially the reason I first started reading this fanfic. (have you heard their new song, "Monster"?) ;)

With that being said, I'll support you through whatever decision you make on this story as with your writing talents I know it'll be great. This has been my favorite fanfic eva and I know that will not change!

I apologize for the SUPER LONG review and congratulations on your engagement! :)
bubblephoe23 chapter 8 . 6/21/2011
Dear amazing Chlerek writer,

YOU HAVE TO UPDATE! you can't just leave all us readers hanging here... Seriously, this is like the top 5 fanfics I've ever read. KEEPP WRITINGGGG!
KANSAS99 chapter 8 . 5/6/2011
Pleaseeeeeeee more chapters!
Glistening.Horizon chapter 8 . 4/19/2011
Please, please, PLEASE update this fan fiction! It's one of my favorites from the, "Darkest Powers," category, and the way you have written it up to this point is splendid. I miss this fic like Chloe misses Derek :(
elizi02 chapter 8 . 4/9/2011
That was kinda creepy... He really did sound like Dr. Davidoff..

Poor Derek and chloe., please update soon so we can know what will happen next. I thought Derek was going to lunge for Chloe right there at the woods...

xxNecro-Grlxx chapter 8 . 4/5/2011
So, I just remembered your story today because I was listening to Misguided Ghosts on my iPod and I thought "Hm, what ever happened to that awesome story?" So, this is me asking when you're going to update again because I seriously love your story and I want to know what happens. :) Good story.
Djla chapter 8 . 3/21/2011
Update I love this story
Darkest Original chapter 2 . 3/2/2011
Love your story with all the plot twists and depth you put into the characters. This is one of my favorite stories so pretty pretty pleeeaaasseee update this story soon. Very good expressive words and again please update soon
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