Reviews for Misguided Ghosts
cecemc chapter 8 . 1/15/2011
please update. Love the story
supernaturalwannab chapter 8 . 1/14/2011
post chapter 9 youv had enough time i just want to read the next chapter.
pixie freak chapter 8 . 1/1/2011

love it cant wait for more update as soon as!
NeonFrogsnFreaks chapter 8 . 12/28/2010
well all i have to say is wow. i am really enjoying this fic so far, you my dear are an amazing author. i love your portral of the characters, very nicely done. the plot is beautifully done as well. keep up the beautiful work.

rebecca chapter 8 . 12/25/2010
I'm hooked with your story! it's great it actually made me tear up... plz update soon! i want to know whats next!
Angelfire49 chapter 8 . 12/25/2010
Hi, I just finfished reading the last chapter of your story and \i love the way you started Chloe and Derek's relationship in a bad place and made it worse before you made it get better (hopefully like u said, yes I read your ANs :)) I was wondering when you're next going to update or how often you update.


your new fan,

doarfthXx chapter 8 . 12/13/2010
derek and chloe need to get back together like now!
everyoneisMISunderstood chapter 8 . 12/13/2010
Yes, you should have known this was coming. See, I don't really nag very often because trust me, I KNOW how annoying it is when people do this.

So instead, I will give you a nice, organized list of reasons why you should update.

1) I love this story.

2) Other people love this story.

3) It's pretty darn close to Christmas, and I will be CRUSHED if you don't update for the holidays. No, seriously.

4) You don't want to be one of THOSE authors, do you? ;D Even though really, we've all been there.

5) I was gone for a week, logged in to my e-mail and looked for an alert. It wasn't there, so I came to this story and decided I would leave you this.

I do hope I haven't bothered you because that wasn't my intention. I just want you to know that we all really like this fic and we'd LOVE an update and if you're stuck, you have our support.

Love, Bri ;)
Tru3instinxx chapter 8 . 12/6/2010
C'mon... ( when are you gonna update? I'm dying here! haha please hurry )
swimmachick chapter 8 . 12/1/2010
one of the BEST stories ive read! amazing! cant wait till the next chapter!
NShadows chapter 8 . 11/30/2010
Still waiting on an update! Seriously, I went back and reread this, and WOW. If I haven't said it before, I love this story!
lola chapter 8 . 11/30/2010
so gd plz rite more xoxo

shadowbladeandcookies chapter 8 . 11/30/2010
Hello this is Jaimee I finally got an account, well I share it hence the name. I'm cookies! Anyway love your story please update soon. And make derek leave milah somewhere deserted!
roseg8s9512 chapter 8 . 11/30/2010
wow this is really good. but i have a few questions. are u going to do the whole mate thing that other authers have been doing the whole ill only love u the rest of my life. or is this going to be chloe and derek splitting up forever? but any way its really really good, update soon!
freakout342 chapter 8 . 11/29/2010
i love this chapter i really do. and i love the whole story love the plot and everythinb but u havent updated in soooo long! i wanna read more!
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