Reviews for Collide
anothergleekgirl chapter 18 . 4/23/2024
shame on me for never yet reviewing this wonderful amazing story... so many beautiful parts to it, the writing that made my heart sing in places. i ADORE the reverse train station concept - she left HIM for his own good... and every from the karaoke reunion to the inevitable finchel hoops they'd struggle with to finally GET IT RIGHT. yes i still wanted to slap rachel senseless through most of this, but then finn got his moment on my slap you list - just a flickering moment though. she was more neurotic in this story than he was self-deprecating (a nice change of pace actually). GREAT STORY! thank you for putting it into the world!
Guest chapter 18 . 4/22/2017
SO so good!
cloudybahi chapter 18 . 1/1/2016
Yesssss that was beautiful
Guest chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
Great! I love Finn... I think he is a real leader and he really is in your story. I miss Finchel, and when I was reading I was happy. Finchel is here. Thanks!
Guest chapter 18 . 5/8/2015
I love it! I really enjoy it! Thanks for sharing! Team Finchel!
CarvieCamfia chapter 18 . 2/22/2015
Please write a sequel and where are Quinn and Puck? Xxxx
lefthandedrn chapter 1 . 10/23/2014
Just ran across this. Love it. Great work!
khazrn43 chapter 18 . 3/1/2014
Loved it!
Lauren chapter 18 . 12/31/2013
Epic. This is one story that you can read over and over again.
Firewifesara chapter 18 . 11/30/2013
I just finished this for the 4th time... I must say that this has one of my most favorite epilogues ever. I love it.
Thank you again.
Guest chapter 15 . 5/24/2013
This chapter definitely hits the right spot. Finn was right, Rachel needed to figure out how to make it on her own as much as Finn did. Can't wait to read how the rest unfolds!
ellasecy chapter 18 . 12/10/2012
lovely story, i really enjot reading this, pls. continue to right about finchel. Thank you.
Avi chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
I am reading this and just finished Some Mad Hope based on another author's reccomendation (if you want to thank her it was Jannp on here). I loved Some Mad Hope and will review that soon. But after reading the first chapter of this story I was wondering since these stories were written before the canon changed Finn's pontential football career, why don't you have Finn play for OSU in either story? Seems like for the time these were written OSU would have been the more appropriate choice. But good job on everything else so far.
Loveydoveface chapter 18 . 5/13/2012
Such a great story! I truly loved it! Thank you for writing it!;)
Loveydoveface chapter 11 . 5/12/2012
I'm just going to say that I dont usually review mid story, but this is just so well written I had to tell you that you are a fantastic writer and this story is awesome! I know that was a major run on sentence, but that's why you write and I don't!:)))))
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