Reviews for Crossfire
daisychain95 chapter 11 . 8/3/2011
Although this story is amazing and has loads of possibilities, I wish you the best with your mother! I hope to hear you returning with good news. Best of wishes to your mum!
WootTwilighterAnimeFanWoot chapter 11 . 7/18/2011
I feel for you, i had a Aunt die of cancer, i don't know what going on now but take it day by day, don't stress yourself out too much, and i hope she get well. :)
s.sharp63 chapter 11 . 6/26/2011
I am sincerly sorry to hear about your mother..Oh God Cancer is such a horrible word for just about anyone that hears it. I've never had someone really close to me go through it, so I don't know all of what you will see, hear, and expercience up close..expecially with your mom..Oh god i couldn't imagine. I can understand a great deal as to you putting the story on hold. I would do the same. I am not a very religious person, not saying that i haven't never prayed, cause i have. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts..and i wish your family all the best...Stay strong and lean on that amazing boyfriend you
magicalfaire183 chapter 11 . 6/20/2011
Im sorry about your mother! i hope shes gonna be ok. youll be in my prayers.. ill be waiting for the next chapter but of course no rush!
bellababy16 chapter 11 . 6/3/2011
i totally understand. i stopped writing for awhile when my mom got sick after awhile of taking care of her i started writing again, it really helped distact me from the stress my family was going through. I dont know if you are religious but i am and i will pray for your family and for your mom. i hope she gets through this very soon.
lluvy love chapter 11 . 5/30/2011
I really hope your mom gets better, she'll be in my prayers. This story it's soo good! We need more stories like this.
Twiggalina chapter 11 . 5/27/2011
I wish your mother a speedy recovery and the strength needed to get through this difficult time.

My best wishes to you too.I have lived through the same situation and so I know how you are feeling.

That hand to hold that offers comfort is such an important thing.

My love to you all

Martha chapter 11 . 5/25/2011
I'm sorry to hear about your mom :(

Great story though!
cullen-madness chapter 10 . 5/23/2011
love it
PrettyLittleBrunette chapter 11 . 5/23/2011
Hey! I totally understand... how can you update when you need to look after your mother? You don't need to apologize. I hope she feels better soon... Be strong and I'm so sorry about the cancer thing. I hope she has a full recovery!

Best Wishes and God Bless (:

Twilover 040 chapter 11 . 5/22/2011
I'm so sorry about your mother! You have a wonderful story and I hope you find the time to finish it soon!
InfiniteHiatus chapter 11 . 5/22/2011
I'm not sure if you'll have the time to read any reviews now that your busy with moving and taking care of your mom, but it wouldn't hurt to write you anyway. While religion and praying may not be my thing, I really do hope that everything turns out well for your mom and she has a full recovery. I also think that a lot of people have been in similiar situations, including myself, so I can only hope that all of your readers are supportive and don't send scathing hate mail. Family comes first. This is a great story and I will wait for however long of a hiatus you need :)

Best wishes,

Destinycorona chapter 11 . 5/22/2011
I hope your mother gets better
Fanfic0Reader chapter 11 . 5/22/2011
I hope the best for your mother and yourself, I can not imagine what she or you will be going through. You both will be in my prayers

I hope she recovers and that you can be her strength and someone be there for you

Laughter is the best cure for everything
All But Faceless chapter 11 . 5/22/2011
Im so sorry to hear that

i hope your mother gets better soon
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