Reviews for Hitchups
MsQueen chapter 28 . 8/22/2023
Oh yea, I’m definitely going to miss Demyan and his Russian insults. Also, what were the Russian translations for this chapter?
NeptuneScribes chapter 40 . 6/6/2023
This was an amazing journey, even though it strays pretty far with Toothless not being the same age. Still, hope you do a sequel for the second movie
Guest chapter 16 . 6/4/2023
OMG this is amazing! I love the creativity put into this, how the storyline branches out with different areas, but it all still flows perfectly together. Basically looks professional!
Crusada de Lata chapter 40 . 5/19/2023
Peak fiction
SunPho3n1x chapter 40 . 5/12/2023
This was such an amazing story! I absolutely loved it! You did a great job with the plot and the characterizations. Definitely different from the movie! I loved it though. Thank you for writing this.
DSLeo chapter 16 . 3/15/2023
This is years later but... Why do your Magyars "speak" as if their language is Slavic-accented English? Or bad Russians? I ask b/c 1. my mother is Polish, so to my ears, Magyarze is very different to Slavic so 2. the accent in English is, as well. I know the consonants trip people up, maybe? but to me the vowels are so different, and I'm more likely to confuse someone from Istanbul with someone from BudaPest than with a Slav. So, yeah, that just had me wondering.
sensualclownhonk chapter 22 . 1/26/2023
"Toothless said he can't create unknowns"
"He couldn't until he bonded with you"
that clears up some initial confusion on my part lol
sensualclownhonk chapter 21 . 1/26/2023
Maybe unpopular opinion, but I love angst and drama. I live for it. I've read a few comments saying that it came out of nowhere or disrupted the flow of the story, but I disagree. They've been on their own nearly a year, it's a miracle something like this hadn't happened yet.
sensualclownhonk chapter 20 . 1/26/2023
I LOVE the different cultures, languages, and mythologies you incorporate into your story. Your character building and attention to detail is superb. You and your editers are fantastic and this is the best fanfiction I've ever read, likely of of the best things I've read period.
wolfwind42 chapter 7 . 1/26/2023
Wasn’t Toothless the same age in canon?
wittyusernames chapter 39 . 1/22/2023
this is my third time reading this, music blasting in my headphones, whiskey on hand. Always so exciting reading your writing
wittyusernames chapter 39 . 1/22/2023
this is my third time reading this, music blasting in my headphones, whiskey on hand. Always so exciting reading your writing
wittyusernames chapter 35 . 1/21/2023
also reading you're A/N ad a after thought your job seems very similar to mine if you'd be interested in dm-ing me. it'd be crazy if we were actually near each other
wittyusernames chapter 35 . 1/21/2023
You complain about drunk posting, but drunk reading currently provides incredible results (second time reading the fiction and also reading the a/n evidently)
Freelook chapter 40 . 12/17/2022
This was absolutely magical. Thank you for sharing this with us
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