Reviews for Hydrophobia
asiansauce chapter 7 . 9/10/2011
I can tell your characters were all well planned. From their appearance to their behavior. Although I find it hard to believe that Brennan was never attacked by monsters, as he's a child of one of the Big Three. In TLT, Percy describes something very strange happening to him each grade. A demigod grows stronger by age. Brennan's first 14 years-nothing out of the ordinary. Suddenly, he arrives at Camp Half-Blood and he makes a lake explode. See what I mean?

I think the events in the plot may be happening a little too fast. Personally, i don't like reading super-long stories. But maybe you should consider giving things a little more explanation. For instance-The explanation of a demigod in chapter 2 didn't even explain what a demigod was. Imagine if someone who never read the original series was reading this fanfic. They wouldn't even know what half of these terms meant.

This is just CC okay, because i noticed you havent gotten any yet. I'm just trying to help make your story better. This may sound stupid coming from a user with no published stories but i've actually been writing on ff for a long while, this is a new account because i wanted a fresh start since all my old stories were absolute garbage now that i look back on them.

ok that is all :~)
grossasstoenails chapter 9 . 9/4/2011
Kim is a beotch. I like the daughter-of-Psyche thingy though! This story is pretty good so far. Hey, can Percy show up sometime later? Or Poseidon? By the way, there are many different ways to spell a name; mostly I've seen your name spelled "Elizabeth," so don't flip out, k? You're really into band, huh? I'm more an orchestra person/ solo pianist :)
invisableninjamadeyalook chapter 9 . 6/20/2011
"last updated: 2/6/11" what? noo! write more! I have to know what happens! your story is great and I think your a really talented writer. plweeease continue? (:
karateC18 chapter 9 . 5/3/2011
I love your story. It's so funny. I think you should keep going.

~Lindsey from karateC18
hfdfsd chapter 8 . 2/16/2011
i added this to my story alerts :D
hfdfsd chapter 9 . 2/16/2011
really good fanfiction :D
not someone of importance chapter 8 . 2/14/2011
I shook my head. "This quest is too dangerous for you to be on. You haven't had any training and you don't have a weapon," I said


Typo there. Brenann is good as a boy. SOP pwns DOP. The creek hunting bit made me laugh.


not someone of importance chapter 7 . 2/14/2011
Ha, he kissed a monster and he didn't like it! XD

Good chapter. Eyes melting? *shudders*


not someone of importance chapter 6 . 2/14/2011
Are the hynea thingy-ma-jigs part of Greek Mythlogy, or did you make them up? Totally agree with you on The Hunger Games, which are deadly. GASP Brenann' little sistah was eaten? :O Didn't expect that at all. The quest!plot is normally quite cliche, but you came up with an original quest!plot, which gets you a high five from me.


not someone of importance chapter 5 . 2/14/2011
Lurve the characters, really. Daughter of Psyche? I created one of those a while ago. Laura was never used though. I really thought you were going to kill him there. D:


not someone of importance chapter 3 . 2/14/2011
Brenann is kinda on a see-saw at the moment on whether or not he's a Gary-Stu. He's tipping more on the non-Stu side. Nice chapter. IC.


not someone of importance chapter 2 . 2/14/2011
I lurve Brenann. He reminds me of my friend. AND he's really, really badass. *nods*


Freezemizer chapter 9 . 2/11/2011
Great chapter Indiana, just like always.
Freezemizer chapter 1 . 2/11/2011
Well creepy stalker fan, you weren't her first fanfiction/facebook fan/friend were you...

I didn't think so...
camille elisabeth fan chapter 9 . 2/9/2011
Hi! Can I take a moment to say that I'm your biggest fan? I know it's a bit creepy, but I think you're an amazing author and that you're really pretty, based off your avatar. It surprised me at first when I realized that it was actually a picture of you. Also, I stalk your photography album on deviantart, and you're amazingly talented. I've got to say that you are my favorite author, hands down. Above anyone famous too.

You're so talented; don't ever stop writing.
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