Reviews for The Board
1sunfun chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
Nice story.
BROMBROS chapter 1 . 1/4/2013
Please continue this story you have me hooked.
Sleepygirl68 chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
Well, that was different!
First time I've read Flitwick not being shown in a positive light.
But so true, I could see it happening.
Good story though.
Thanks for writing and sharing it with us.
josephbendov chapter 1 . 12/19/2012
I've read quite a few 'fics where people take control of the board and do new things, but this is definitely one of my favorites. I really enjoyed how you put all those people in their place. In a real school most, if not none of the things in the book relating to school things would have happened. I look forward to more of your writing. Good one-shot.
Terahlyanwe chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
YES. Hogwarts is totally backwards and ridiculous! I love finding people who also hate Dumbledore. :)
Kai chapter 1 . 10/18/2012
I. LOVE. IT. Finally, they all get what they deserve. I've been reading this story once, but forgot the title and couldn't find it again. Although it's rather simple to remember... Anyway, now I think I won't forget again, and I WILL read it again! Seriously great writing!
Madame Minuit12 chapter 1 . 10/19/2012
love it! I often thought that the way Hogwarts was run did not really qualify it as the best school for magic...
MuggleCreator chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Nice stuff.

Blame it on the age I was when I first read the books... I always see Dumbles as a Machiavellian wizard, a bit out of his time (born in 1845 or thereabouts, according to Jo), who tries to do what *he* thinks is best for *everyone*. Everyone makes mistakes. The other teachers – well, I agree about Flitwick. But I'm fond of Minerva, too.
Aberbadger chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
You HAVE to do a Harry potter response fic! This will be great!
Kythorian chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
Very good oneshot.

Everyone always talks about how horrible Snape is, and that he would be fired and probably arrested from any other teaching job on the planet. But I have always been of the opinion that McGonagall is at best only marginally better. She might actually be a capable teacher, but almost everything not directly related to teaching she ever does in the series is almost as bad as what Snape does. The whole sending them into the forbidden forest to hunt something that kills unicorns (a creature generally ascribed as having supernatural speed, and a razor sharp horn) in the middle of the night is actually WORSE than anything snape ever did. And many of her other failings are almost as bad. When you have to stop and consider if her response that Harry should just keep his head down when he comes to her about another teacher torturing him is even in the top five of her failings as a teacher(and person)...well, that says something.

And even as a teacher...she might not be outright scornful like snape, but you get the impression that she is way past severe and humorless. Most eleven year olds would not learn best in an environment like that. We don't really know enough to know if her teaching methods are actually of a high quality or not, but I can easily imagine that she is actually a crappy teacher too. We just never see another example of what a better one looks like for transfiguration.

Flitwick, you can go either way on. Maybe the bullying wasn't particularly widespread, and Luna just got the brunt of it, and of course she never spoke up, being Luna, so he reasonably might not have known. Or what you described is perfectly possible.
Kai chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
Wow! Great story! Finally some people get what they deserve. A little bit of torture for Malfoy (although not enough for his murderous ways) and the teachers that continued overlooking Malfoy Jr. pestering and bullying everyone and punishing any kind of retaliation for years. I always thought that Dumbledore is a pureblood supremacist, aiding and protecting his own kind with the rest of the staff too unimportant (like Sinistra, Vector or Babbling), too simple minded (Hagrid, of course) or clearly under his thumb to do anything about that. I like this story where they find that actions can (and should) have consequences. Good work!
dragonlordrb chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
Very Enjoyable, but I'd like to know the followup for it.
Jannafrancine chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
You are brilliant!
Publicola chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
You know, this is quite possibly one of the best one-shots I've ever read. Especially given that you constrained yourself to within the post-DH canon universe, this is most impressive.

I do think you may have been a little harsh on Filius - canon only really mentions Luna, and that might just be ignorance (I recall in OotP Luna says she never told her Head of House about the thefts, though my memory might be off). I'm not sure the bullying in Ravenclaw was quite so rampant, though it fits this oneshot quite well.

So many things wrong at Hogwarts, and no one does anything about them. Ah well, that's why we have fan fic.
makotomakoto chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
A very nice story that gives hope for a brighter future after the fall of Voldemort. The books certainly didn’t with Draco and Lucius getting off. Snape’s death got rid of one horrible teacher but McGonagall was too much of Dumbledore’s man to see too many improvements to the school.
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