Reviews for Snape's Memories
Mary Raquel chapter 32 . 9/16
I think that's why it said Snape's Memories because Tim is some sort of a reincarnation of Severus Snape, that's why he got younger and younger in every sort-of-dreams that Harry have when he was in it.

The story was really great and I loved it.
LaBelleJumelle chapter 32 . 8/30
Wow! I know this has been out for a while, and I’m so glad I found it. I love everything about this! Well done!
gwheeler2019 chapter 32 . 8/30
loved it!
Washere chapter 32 . 7/8
Glad to have read this. Well written.
Lamourloi chapter 32 . 5/17
J’ai réellement adoré cette histoire, bien que je n’ai réussi à la lire qu’en utilisant un traducteur intégré (je suis une vraie nullité en anglais). Un scénario captivant et plausible, beaucoup de maturité dans les sujets abordés et des personnages, principaux et secondaires, tout à fait crédibles.
Un grand merci pour ce délicieux moment de lecture.
hdres chapter 30 . 1/29
Great story brilliantly written. I really enjoyed the family dynamic and that there was ultimately a redemption for Severus and Harry. Thank you for sharing your story
hdres chapter 24 . 1/29
Such and exciting chapter. I am really enjoying your well written and imaginative story. Such a great combination of family and mystery with a little of the paranormal. Thank you for sharing your story
The.MysticSong chapter 31 . 1/20
I've been enjoying this story (and the one that came before it) so much until I got part way through this chapter where you describe autism as a horrible worst case scenario, and that a description of autism made the Smiths look physically ill.

As an autistic person, this just made me disgusted. Totally ruined the story for me. I can't even finish it, or read anything else from you now. Really disappointing. Shameful. Unsaving your stories and unfollowing.
dorvell chapter 24 . 1/11
Please, please, please let them find and rescue Tim…


Part of me wants to scream, "HOW COULD YOU!"? And on the other hand, the detail of some strange man showing up at Mary's funeral a few chapters ago…
Obviously, this was coming.

Still doesn't make it any less earth-shatteringly heartbreaking, though.
dorvell chapter 15 . 1/11
"The facts of the wands and the cauldrons"…

OK after such a gut wrenching chapter previously as well as this one being equally gut wrenching if not more so, I needed that laugh. Thank you for including that line.
dorvell chapter 14 . 1/11



To Mary, indeed.

I just hope Tim will ultimately go down the right path.
dorvell chapter 11 . 1/11
As sick and sadistic as both Amycus and Electo were, I could totally see them including rape/sexual assault as means of punishment in their detentions.
Elly chapter 12 . 12/11/2023
Nooooo it's my worst pet peeve, short!Harry! Harry is canonically tall! (well, I suppose some 15 yr old are freakishly tall...) (As long as it doesn't come up too much I'll be ok...)
chuffed4angst chapter 32 . 7/15/2023
Thank you for this delightful story!
It's very well written and I love how you handle the relationships between the characters. I also appreciate the bits of gritty plot you add to keep this sweet story from becoming sickeningly sweet.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 32 . 7/4/2023
Thank you for the fic. I need some time away from your writing. It is very emotional for me.
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