Reviews for Relative Truth
Ann chapter 23 . 8/18/2010
This is one of my favourite Shinichi-and-Kaito-is-family story.
msvariety chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
It's a true shame this was never completed as it is a very well written, complex story.

I've re-read it several times and enjoy the interactions between Kaito and Shinichi, between Shinichi and Ran and between the girls and their 'boyfriends'.

Yuusaku does seem a bit overly harsh but I can see he really is just trying to protect his family.

I hope that even though the story isn't going to be finished that the plot included his eventual return to Yukiko and Shinichi with no divorce
Nerisel chapter 23 . 8/12/2010
I very sincerely hope you're still planning to continue this story. It would be an absolute pity if it says unfinished. This has to be one of the most well written stories on this site that I've ever read. It's just fantastic. The characters are actually cementing themselves and developing consistently, not jumping from one act to another. It's just fantastic. Then there's the little stories within the story that adds to the larger picture. Seriously, it's just mindblowingly awesome. :D
Nerisel chapter 22 . 8/12/2010
Whoa! You actually wrote a snippet of a crime scene. It's definately very well done. In fact I would mind reading more mysteries or heists from you... *nudge nudge* I haven't read one so well done for...forever on this site. *grins* Very well done.
Nerisel chapter 5 . 8/11/2010
The way you portrayed Shinichi's shock was a masterpiece. :D

This story is just amazing in the way the reader can empathize with the characters and the similiarity of your version with the original. And plot-wise, so far, has been near flawless. It has been an absolute pleasure to read.
Leena-Kun chapter 1 . 8/2/2010
I hope you update this fanfic. Its a really wonderful read. I showed this little gem to my best friend and she loves it as well. I have read many fanfics and this by far is my favorite.
Patience Memory chapter 23 . 7/5/2010

I can only hope that someday you might feel the urge to finish this up. This is an intelligent, graceful look at a "what if" that seems just to darn plausible for comfort, especially the way you've worked it here. You have Shinichi struggling to hold onto his feelings of right and wrong, when the basis for his beleifs, his very identity, is taken from him.

And then, surprisingly, you even have Kaito playing detective, despite the uncomfort.

Two cousins, toeing the line from opposite sides, until they begin creating their own ground somewhere in the middle... And that's amazing to read.

In the words of a song...

I know that I can never prove this illusion/You aren't the one that I thought you were/And so I learned to embrace this delusion/The line that seperates us starts to blurr

This is a wonderful peice of writing. As the heaps of reviews you've recieved show, there are quite a few people who would love to see the continuation of this saga... me included.

Best of luck on all your chosen exploits,

HIdragon chapter 23 . 6/23/2010
A Great fic. I like the way the plot is done, interactions. it ahs a sense of order, expectation. and it ahs a new one.

I like this fic, still reading your fics. Hope you continued this
Michelle chapter 5 . 6/20/2010! I just CANNOT stop reading this! It's taken me around 2 hours to already get this far and I already can't wait for upcoming chapters. I kinda spoiled the cousin thing for myself on dA but lol I don't care at this point. x3 Ooooh man I'll be up late reading this tonight x3
SilverWings38 chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
This is really an overall good read. It's sad that it wasn't continued.
ihonestlydontknow chapter 23 . 4/26/2010
HOLY CRAP! This is one of THE BEST fanfics I've ever read. Period. Wonderful story and characterization, plot, chapter titles... seriously, this story is the BOMB! I can't get enough of it, and it makes me very sorry to see that it's pretty much D-E-A-D, dead. I wish you'd continue the story, but after about seven years, I'd say odds are it's not gonna get finished. And that makes me cry, because this is one helluva good story.

I love how badly Shinichi is taking the truth about his family And the discomfort that Kaito is feeling about this method of theivery. -sighs-

Anyway, good job. I wish there was a possibility of an update.
GoddessSumizofVenus chapter 23 . 4/4/2010
its a shame that you havent continued for the longest time well if you ever continue i am sure to read through all of it i mean ur story is so detailed i feel like im reading the manga/watching the anime! please continue..
amillionvoices chapter 1 . 3/22/2010
Great fic! although the sobbing Ran kinda irritated me... but that's all right cuz the friendship between Kaito and Shinichi kinda made up for it!

And y won't you update? Dx can't wait till you do!

hey, i'm planning on writing a fic and, uh...using the idea of Yuusaku's costume for Shinichi. Hope that's all right... *gives u credit in the summary* thx!
puregarnet chapter 23 . 3/18/2010
I love it! Please update soon! You had not update in SEVEN years!
puregarnet chapter 9 . 3/17/2010
Omigosh! I love it! We get to see Shinichi and Kaito talking and having fun together! Yay! I love the fact that they are bot so intelegent but lonely... Cool... But what about Saguru? They really have a lot of similarities don't they? Their male friends are detectives and very smart in their on right as well.

Please, oh, please update soon! I really love this story! Its what I always imagine about! Shinichi and Kaito working together to bring down the Black Organization. I hope we see the two of them with more people like the police taskforce in Reika. Takagi, Chiba, Megure...
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