Reviews for Torn
Guest chapter 94 . 9/3
Please, pkease, please, don’t prove I’m right
Guest chapter 94 . 8/4
Tu historia es increíble.
Ojalá pudieras continuarla y tener un desenlace de esta espectacular historia.
Jesstew chapter 2 . 8/1
are you ever going to finish this?
Guest chapter 94 . 7/14
Salut, je voulais te dire que j'ai passé énorme se temps à lire cette fanfic (4jours) et je te suis reconnaissante de l'avoir écrite et j'aimerais savoir si tu voulais la terminer ? Même si cela fait depuis 2021 que tu ne pas venue ?
Encore un immense merci !
strippedtissuebox chapter 94 . 6/22
this storyline is beautifully written.
Spawn chapter 94 . 6/15
I miss this story. Please consider finishing it. It's too good to sit gathering cobwebs.
SuperAsh chapter 11 . 3/11
I’ve abandoned AO3 and come back here to keep reading. Love this story and it’s been so long since my last read I almost feel like I’m discovering it all over again.

Esme pure love. Exactly what Bella needs. Renee should get a prize for this placement. What a gift!
Spawn chapter 94 . 1/14
Miss this. Hope that you come back and finish it someday.
Guest chapter 94 . 1/3
I hope everything in your life is going well since your last update.
Just here to say there are still people readying who would love an update (aka me)
cullensgypsy chapter 94 . 1/2
I'm really sad right now knowing this amazing story is not completed. The writing was simply amazing! I need to know the end, and how Bella progresses. Also, it was heartbreaking to know Bella's mother was just a 12-year old girl when she got pregnant. I hope all is well with the writer and hope one day the story will be completed.
alklucio chapter 93 . 12/28/2023
Back again for another re-read. I hope all is well with you. I know it’s been a couple years, but I do still hope you’ll come back to this story. I’m anxious to know what happens next.
Jinx095 chapter 94 . 12/1/2023
All I can say is WOW! I just spent the last couple of days reading this and I seriously couldnt stop! I really hope we get an update soon because I am dying to know what happens!
EvilRegalLaura chapter 94 . 11/25/2023
Hey ive reread this recently and forgot it wasnt complete. Do you have any plans to complete it as urs such a good story i need to know the ending and i want laurent and stefan put away! chapter 94 . 10/22/2023
I absolutely love your story. I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished with your writing. I can’t wait to read your next update. We have faith in you. You’re amazing! Hope all is well and thank you for this wonderful story! chapter 66 . 10/20/2023
I think it is perfect. Bless your sweet heart for sharing your masterpiece with us. It is perfectly perfect.
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