Reviews for Foul Territory
azure0610 chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
This is fabulous! I don't know a thing about baseball but you described the basics of warming up just right. Not too technical but not too dumbed down. I loved that!

Great first meeting. I liked how it wasn't insta-love. Just a normal attraction and Bella almost falling was perfect. I liked how it wasn't because she clumsy but a normal fall being in the wrong place at the wrong time and being pushed.

I'm looking forward to this.
LydiaH chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
You've already got me wanting more. I loved how you let their initial meeting unfold gradually. Props for making Edward a baseball player, I really like that angle. I enjoyed the way that Edward saved Bella and that the precarious position she was placed in and the resulting awkwardness wasn't her fault. More please!
tulane chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
Le Edward. I know it's only the first chapter but, I can tell this is going to be a good one. Hope to read EPOV on his first meeting Bella.
No Baggage 86 chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
Well, well rinabina. My insides twanged. Twanged? Lol. Seriously dude I love it. Now, as an Australian I know absolutely nothing about baseball ... except what Kevin Costner taught me in Bull Durham, and Field of Dreams ... oh and Robert Redford in The Natural. But if it involves an adorable man of above average intelligence and with a certain sexual charm ... I'm there bb.

Great first chapter. I love how you don't toy with us ... just get us straight to the good stuff. And you focus on all the important details.

Watching them stretch? Really?

Jaw porn - check

Cherry lips - check

Position of freckles - check

I can't wait to learn more about baseball. BTW - did you go to Berkeley? In my 'I wish I was an American' dreams (these were prior to and post the Bush years) I always went to college there. The husband and I plan on driving along the coast from LA to San Francisco next June so I am looking forward to learning all about the bay area as well.
lvrofbrnrds chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
ahhhh! I Love baseball! I So look forward to your story!
edsgirlalways chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
Wow loved it can't wait for an update
Rini.cristina19 chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
ohhhthis is gonna be an amazing story i can just feel it lol3 cant wait for the next chapeter
Besotted chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
Yay! I am the first to review! Let me start by saying that I actually do not like baseball, so this is normally not the type of fic I would be interested in reading. But I am totally intrigued by what you have written and excited to see where you are going to take this!

I love your Bella so far! Her internal monologues make me laugh! And it's nice to see Angela written into a fic, too. I get tired of reading about Alice and Rose all the time. Good choice there, for something different.

Excellent descriptions in this chapter. I really felt as if I was at the game! I could totally imagine Edward sitting on the field, stretching his limbs...what a sight!

Great work and looking forward to reading more!
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