Reviews for Foul Territory
cctwilight chapter 25 . 10/17/2021
They are going to put the piano to good use!
cctwilight chapter 24 . 10/17/2021
It's good to see them so happy together.
cctwilight chapter 23 . 10/17/2021
Yes! They are back together!
cctwilight chapter 22 . 10/17/2021
I'm so glad Bella went to the game.
cctwilight chapter 21 . 10/16/2021
Ready or not she is going!
cctwilight chapter 20 . 10/16/2021
Edward should not have kept being married to himself. I think Bella will forgive him eventually.
cctwilight chapter 19 . 10/16/2021
I wasn't expecting Edward to be married!
cctwilight chapter 18 . 10/16/2021
Bella, Angela, and Alice get along really well.
cctwilight chapter 17 . 10/16/2021
Ok, no more Tanya.
cctwilight chapter 16 . 10/16/2021
So what was Edward so upset about during the game.
cctwilight chapter 15 . 10/16/2021
Edward is spoiling Bella!
cctwilight chapter 14 . 10/15/2021
I bet Edward looked so delicious in his tux and even better out of it!
cctwilight chapter 13 . 10/15/2021
So that's why Rose was hateful to Bella.
cctwilight chapter 12 . 10/15/2021
I hope everything goes well.
cctwilight chapter 11 . 10/14/2021
They are so good together!
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