Reviews for Chaos Theory
alastorfenrinheil chapter 44 . 11/18/2024
marvelous. well written story. you have great knowledge of not just the servants, but the heroic spirits themselves. the climax is epic.
Grizzly Writings chapter 44 . 9/24/2024
A pretty good fic all around. I will say there were an obscene amount of battles, and as the end got closer they got longer and longer. With those three big ones near the end all getting rotated in, it was a bit off-putting.

Still, good job.
ThunJa chapter 5 . 8/4/2024
nobody want to be like shinji
ThunJa chapter 2 . 8/3/2024
hahahah rin plans not needing fate messing is funny hahah
Yuruha chapter 44 . 5/4/2024
For what it's worth, it was entertaining. If anything, the humors are good.
Yuruha chapter 41 . 5/4/2024
Ah right, there's that thing in south America. It will definitely wakes up if they don't stop this XD
Yuruha chapter 33 . 5/3/2024
Gil-kun! XD
Yuruha chapter 31 . 5/3/2024
EMIYA and his loose mouth XD
Yuruha chapter 29 . 5/3/2024
Shirou and EMIYA tag team is the wildest thing I've seen.
Yuruha chapter 25 . 5/2/2024
Someone is mad because "his" Saber is bein
Yuruha chapter 24 . 5/2/2024
Nice. Salter as ally and they learn about Mainyu
Yuruha chapter 20 . 5/2/2024
That was certainly hot :3
Yuruha chapter 18 . 5/1/2024
Geez this Archer sure has a loose mouth.
Yuruha chapter 15 . 5/1/2024
Lol Goldie. I'm liking you so far cause you don't seem to be interested in the Grail or destroying the world but please stop this creepy stalker behavior XD
Yuruha chapter 13 . 5/1/2024
Lancer got a big role to play~
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