Reviews for Mass Effect New Origins V2
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 6 . 10/15/2024
Easy peasy…. Or is it?
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 5 . 10/14/2024
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 2 . 10/14/2024
Good stuff so far.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/28/2024
This is a horrible crossover you claim to make the capabilities of the two sides even by sipping up the ME side claiming it's because of the amount of time passing therefore they're a little more advanced, but yet you limit, rather constrain the advancement of the UNSC, how is it they are still using macs with the same amount of time passing and on top of that they are the Reclaimers and literally are the owners of the most advanced technologies available in both lores but yet again you down play that also. What many of you writers don't understand is that you don't have to o er power one side or the other,just use what's available to both factions and interpret their advancement based on that, so mass effect technologies as they are used are stagnant, move that idea into that technology being pushed and explored in other ways by the Citadel races,and the humans of the UNSC begin their role as Reclaimers
Rokaar127 chapter 9 . 8/14/2024
Ok I’m might a be stupid for this but is Taylor Winters the same character as Jacob Taylor in ME2
Forsoothandconquest chapter 18 . 8/4/2024
Honestly, I keep hoping for Spartans to get mentioned and i keep getting ny hopes up only to be disappointed when they aren’t.
BUT, thats not really a gripe or anything, I am LOVING this story! IT IS AMAZING
Forsoothandconquest chapter 6 . 8/4/2024
I watched Tron Legacy as a kid and every time I watched it from then on, my enjoyment has never decreased. Its nice to see someone else that doesn’t fall for the nonsense the critics say about it! Also, great story!
Mericore chapter 9 . 6/17/2024
Where is infinity class?
BlackRebelHand1919 chapter 2 . 12/20/2023
This story overall is kinda goofy, you beef up the ME forces but yet keep the UNSC using the same weapons from the Great War but enhanced,makes no sense at all, following a war of that caliber the UNSC would have put massive amounts of research into direct energy weapons which is why in game the Anlace had a dew weapon, because they understood that being undergunnned was not the de way! So by 2600 all UNSC ships would have dew weapons as their main batteries especially their carriers cruisers and other capital ships to include plasma based weapons and laser weapons and particle beam weapons, it’s goofy that a lot these authors overcompensate the ME universe in order for it to match halo which is not needed , because if you think about it the ME universe will upgrade following the reaper war especially in weapons and shielding but to the highest degree that tech would allow them just look at ME:Andromeda for example, Thani weapons would be the norm cyclonic shielding will also plus the Prothean caches would be dived into more resulting in more advancements, so too will the UNSC progress inheriting the technology of both Ancient Humanity and the Forerunners resulting in combat skins and new powered armor systems for all military militia and police/security forces human augmentation will become widespread and more evolved to include advanced cybernetics resulting In bio metals better neural implants etc etc and hard light weapons fibril cutters will be reversed engineered by the UNSC , so both universes can be maximized to their highest tech possible,that way a more expansnsive and connected story can be made
The Disquieting One chapter 108 . 12/10/2023
i found this on Halo's fanfic recs page on TV Tropes. and this has been a well spent 4 days of nonstop binge. thanks for the fic
BlazeStryker chapter 32 . 10/17/2023
Shades of The Mona Lisa! Jack Harper is apparently one of the demons of ONI...
BlazeStryker chapter 30 . 10/17/2023
Yeahhh, I could well imagine the Flood not particularly liking the Cycle.
BlazeStryker chapter 26 . 10/17/2023
Ahh, Udina, greatest ally the Reapers ever had.
Lyric Drake chapter 17 . 9/25/2023
Love your stuff :)
Guest chapter 43 . 9/9/2023
I have given this 40 chapters to improve to a even just decent level and it hasn’t. This is peak early 2010s im a edgy 14 year old and im going to have torture scenes and plot armor for the most annoying villains. You didn’t even craft halfway decent ones either its just “hurdur we invade because reasons” plus you have the audacity to mock those that hurt your little feelings. And pointlessly scale down the UNSC and RSN because you want it to be “fair” I hope sukron shoves his scorcher down YOUR throat. Love - a disappointed reader
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