Reviews for What's Past is Prologue
Afellowbroski chapter 29 . 9/23/2023
Jessie chapter 8 . 8/27/2023
Bringing characters from ‘The Dark Crystal’ into the story was an intriguing and wonderful surprise. When the Podling and Jen and Kira were named, I couldn’t stop smiling
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2022
This was beyond amazing. I want this made into the movie sequel. I loved all the crossovers and the twist at the end. Crazy good story.
Helix28 chapter 29 . 8/31/2021
I greatly enjoyed your story! Thank you for sharing.
gatogirl1 chapter 29 . 6/8/2021
This is still so good. Thanks for writing!
EnglishLitGirl chapter 29 . 2/3/2021
I read this every night for the past week and finished tonight. I absolutely loved this so much. A wonderful escape from the not so great real world of the moment. Thank you for being my happy place!
Guest chapter 29 . 3/27/2020
It has been ten years since this has been written, As a sixteen year old girl stuck in quarantine, over these past weeks I’ve come to discover The Labyrinth and it’s beauty. I’ve never felt more connected to a film then to this one, I came here and after reading this story, THIS is the BEST story of Sarah and Jareth that I’ve read, a twist upon a twist upon a twist, I was getting shocked at every chapter and it all magically connected together beautifully. I could literally feel your love for the characters through your writing, I loved reading this! I know it’s been a long time and you’ve moved on, but I love how you have the other characters their own story, and I was living for the battle of wits between Sarah and Jareth The King and his Herione, my favorite fairytale:)
BowieQueen chapter 29 . 1/9/2020
That was amazing. I'm so glad it worked out in the end. I was put off by your description but glad I succumbed to reading it hehe. Timey wimey stories are too complicated for me to ever write hahaha. But I put my trust in you as an author. I believe it all makes sense.
BowieQueen chapter 22 . 1/9/2020
Quotes are from Doctor Who. Cookies please :)
BowieQueen chapter 1 . 1/8/2020
Read one chapter. Hooked. Let's see where this goes. Love your writing style.
Guest 2019 chapter 29 . 12/9/2019
OVER THE TOP AMAZING! Merci. Thank you. Meegwetch. Gracias.
figglypudding chapter 10 . 7/4/2019
is this a dark crystal cross over?
KyloRen'sgirl213 chapter 2 . 6/27/2019
Love this awesome work
Margot Grazyna chapter 29 . 3/7/2019
przeczytałam całość z fascynacją. Dziękuję za napisanie tej historii
Serenity Hidden chapter 23 . 12/16/2018
I normally never review but I wanted to say that your explanation for why Jareth bleeds blue expands the depth of your written universe and makes perfect internal sense.
Thank you for writing this story.
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