Reviews for Spotted!
The Narrator chapter 7 . 10/21/2004
I love this fic so much! I'm adding it to my faves post-haste.


The Narrator
nanimo chapter 9 . 10/14/2004
At first I was a little hesitent over reading this fic, but I'm glad I did! You showed all the characters really well and managed to keep them all in character wondefully. I look forward to future chapters!
Katah chapter 9 . 10/8/2004
I love this :) Everyone is so in character, it's a really great fic. I hope you continue it soon :)
Fornax chapter 2 . 10/7/2004
Evil bastard reporter.
miss toad chapter 9 . 9/15/2004
Ah, the end, so I can review! I need to get into the habit of actually reviewing... Anyway- I really like this fanfiction. Everyone is so very in character and the OCs are interesting and likeable! Well, likeable in their own ways, er. It's an innovative plot and you really, really pulled it off well. Tohru being seen and sought after as an idol is a /little/ hard to swallow, possibly because of the surprising amount Tohru-depreciating that goes on in the series, but she does have those huuge eyes and that smile, so if Mika's photo caught that.. totally! Crossing my fingers for more updates (but I'd not mind if you spent your time on the project, instead!)
Clow Angel chapter 9 . 9/13/2004
Great! I didnt realize you updated this fic as well. I cant wait to see more of your work.
Aishiteru chapter 9 . 9/8/2004
As enjoyable as ever! Poor Dai getting beaten up so often ;. Some very nice costume changes throughout this chapter _.

Niisan is older brother, but in one section you have Dai calling Tohru "neechan" which after him telling her to call him older brother sounds a little strange.
nolisting chapter 9 . 9/6/2004
_ Uber-cool! _ I really liked this (I just read 9 chapters in a row _) I hope you can update it soon! ja ne!

shadowcat15 chapter 9 . 8/23/2004
*giggles* I loved this chapter. I loved the song that you used. I recognized the movie lyrics because I remember loving them when I watched that movie long time ago. Please update soon.
Tatsutahime chapter 9 . 8/17/2004
Now this is very good! I've only seen the first few episodes and read about the other characters, but you write them all very well and in character from what I can tell. I hope you update soon!
Claire chapter 9 . 8/15/2004
I decided to come back to this on a whim, maybe read it over again... But I saw that you'd updated and was ecstatic! I love your story. It's hilarious on so many points, but it still has a great storyline. I can't wait for the next chapter!

(PS For some reason, I couldn't get the image of Dai Gackt-dancing and singing "Vanilla" out of my head after the limo scene. It's really beginning to get rather disturbing.)
Obscured Illusions chapter 9 . 8/13/2004
Squee! I loved this! _ Great job. This is one of my favorite Furuba fics! I can't wait until your next update.

Kyae chapter 9 . 8/13/2004
You updated! *glomp* Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

This is a delightful chapter. The plot moved along very well, with a few typos here and there (ex: it should be "lose", not "loose" in the last section of the chapter). It was also enlightening to show the Trio's opinions of Tohru - goes to show how shallow and insipid they are. Well-done, and please update as soon as possible!

Until next chapter ~ Kyae
Dea Mariella chapter 9 . 8/11/2004
that was really good! i generally don't read furuba fics, but yours is pretty good! i love all dogs go to heaven...very appropriate! i can't wait to see where you're going with this!

Dea-chan ..
ela-chan chapter 9 . 8/10/2004
Ahahahaha! Really nice update. I loved Tooru's blurted "I don't think Shigure-san even wears underwear!" Ahahaha, nice one. Update again soon!
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