Reviews for Spotted!
mikan chapter 7 . 10/7/2002
This story is wonderful. That's the only word to describe it. Totally original, captivating, and charming! I'm in awe of your characterizations - especially Ayame! I love the way you write him. I started reading this while I was having lunch in between classes, and I almost ended up being late because I just couldn't stop! _ I'll look forward to the next parts!
dementedchris chapter 7 . 10/7/2002
My favorite Furuba fic is back! Thanks for the read, Merrow! _ This long chapter tackled a lot of plot points, and opened up many more promising possibilities.

I have to say, though, that you write Ayame so wonderfully. Great job!
Serena B chapter 7 . 10/6/2002
I can't believe I haven't read this until now. I'm sooooo amazed. I love this fic, really and truly. The characters are so in character.

And, I see what you mean about it being dramatic at times even though you were going for humor...but the humor definitely comes through, too. I almost died laughing when they were talking about getting Shi-chan fixed. *cackles* Poor Shigure, but he deserves it. _~

Anyway, hope to see more of this soon. Thanks for such a great read. Cya!
Invisebal chapter 7 . 10/6/2002
Wahhhh! I love the faux cover of "Spotted!" I really wish they would animate this! It would be so great to watch. I loved the Ayame and bracelet thing, sneaky Ayame hehe... tsk tsk...

Please update soon again! -
Kou Shun'u chapter 7 . 10/6/2002
ahhh merrow, reading this fic got me to remember just how great your writing was. im still on a high from when i read it this morning. oh and i like the cover art alot too. anyway i cant wait for the next exciting chapter of this work and your other works. thanks.
Cherry chapter 7 . 10/6/2002
That was soo kawaii! I really like how you manage to show the story from nearly everyone's point of view without making it seem like you're switching too much. Wonderful job, and I like the "extra" bit too. _
Raxz chapter 6 . 9/2/2002
LOL chapter 6 was just so much fun, i died laughing LOL. i jsut really could see Kyou-kun like that, high on catnip lol. Please keep it up and WE WANT MORE! :-)
inuki chapter 6 . 8/7/2002
This fic is so kawii! I hope you write more soon.
Hubbe chapter 6 . 7/25/2002
I have to say that this story is a really great

read. You portray the realations between the

characters well and nobody is OOC. I'm not quite

sure if Tohru really is pretty enough to be in

fashion magazines though, but you managed to

explain the reason for that well enough for it to

be plausible. I personally thought that Yuki was

supposed to be the beautiful one(_;), and that

the magazine would be more interested in him.

If you want to make the story more comedic, you

could add something unbeleviable in the mix -

remember, that Fruits Basket is an anime and not

real-life, so wackyness is allowed

But forget about my nit-pickings! The story's

great and that's all that matters. Period.
amy chapter 6 . 7/24/2002
loving this! looking forward to more! -
dissolvablelabels chapter 6 . 6/27/2002
I cannot begin to descibe how much I love this story. Every new chapter is a delight. Perfect in characterization and plot. It feels like I'm reading a new chapter of the manga. I always look forward to a new chapter of any of your fics, Merrow. They're completely charming...just like Tohru
Zara11 chapter 6 . 6/26/2002
This was one of the best of Fruits Basket stories I've read so far! I couldn't stop reading it once I started. I've read all your other stories too and I love them just as well. Keep up the good work and please keep posting new chapters as soon as possible!
Cherry chapter 6 . 6/25/2002
That was soooo cute! It's the way I imagine that Kyou-kun would react to catnip. I always wondered... _ The photo shoot images you came up with were great.
dementedchris chapter 6 . 6/25/2002
It’s been a long wait, but it’s just worth it. I like the way you introduce new characters but keep them distinct from the existing ones. Now you have this reporter hanging around - it adds a fresh dimension to the developing plot. The Kyou scenes are light and fun, but I would have loved to see more of how Yuki will react to such close contact between Kyou and Tohru. Now that the shoot is over, I hope that I won’t have to wait too long for Tohru to have her little brush with fame. But don’t worry – I’ll still be around to read it even if it takes you the rest of the year.
Invisebal chapter 6 . 6/24/2002
WOW! Poor Kyo-kun! hehe.. but it must have been a site to see! I wish I could've been there hehehe.. please keep writing more! -
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