Reviews for Spotted!
Amanda Dale chapter 5 . 5/29/2002
It's hard to explain how much I've enjoyed this fic.

There are very few fanfics I go back and read over and

over, but this is definitely one of them. You have a

real gift for keeping everyone perfectly in character,

and telling an engrossing story. Your OCs are very

human and believable as well. I especially liked the

way you go into that "special" quality about Toru that

draws people to her. This is such a great story, and

I can't wait to see more of it!
Invisebal chapter 5 . 5/27/2002
Oh.. I Love ALL your stories, Please continue all of them, especially this one, the last chapter I read (5) was VERY FUNNY! Your portrayal of the FB characters is so PERFECT that I can Imagine it as if it was a real anime story line, keep up the good work!
Yukoma chapter 5 . 5/17/2002
This is sweet! Update it soon.
recie chapter 5 . 5/15/2002
Perfect characterizations on everyone - especially Ayame (Ayame! XDXD). Even *reading* him is so charged it's tiring, I can't imagine writing it. Very cute, very original story.
Rae chapter 1 . 5/11/2002
I LOVE IT! XDDD *reads some more* Tis the best FB fanfic there is!
amy chapter 5 . 4/28/2002
oh! sooo good! and quite funny too! - more please!
dissolvablelabels chapter 5 . 4/15/2002
*MAD CACKLE* This is the most fantastic Furuba story. I can completely picture this being an arc of the manga, and I wish it were, because I'd love to see this all drawn out, or animated. Completely wonderful in every way.
elenasun chapter 5 . 4/14/2002
more..more..more...i luv it! poor tooru! does she has to go through dis? n why doesnt tooru give kyou to yuki so kyou can turn back to human? anyway...i really like ur story..please continue writin!
Takiko chapter 5 . 4/14/2002
Ah this is the best chapter yet! Very funny! I love Ayame and Mine here! You did Ayame very well! *claps* As always very nicely written story!
Cookiex10 chapter 5 . 4/13/2002
funny and cute! i hope u add more very soon!
dementedchris chapter 5 . 4/13/2002
You know what? I'm liking this fic better with each chapter... and that's saying a lot because I already liked the first time! You had a lot of good things going in this chapter - Pochi and Tom, Ayame's brilliant entrance, and most of all, Yuki and Kyou's reaction to Tohru. This was just perfect.
Ohimesama1 chapter 5 . 4/13/2002
OMG Merrow! you closet perv! this is soooo funny yet soooo ecchi if you think about it to hard hahaha I LOVE IT! i couldn't stop laughing...

Shigure/Pochi hahaha... then his reaction when the nuttering was suggested *cracked me up*

of course i loved every part of the stroy as well

Yes there's still hope for fb fanfictions!

Jennacy Komorro chapter 4 . 3/26/2002


Keep writing on it! It's awesome! Very very cool!


~Jennacy, queen of Koosh~
Ranma Inverse chapter 4 . 3/23/2002
Whoo! This fic is very enjoyable. _ I await more!
Cookiex10 chapter 4 . 3/22/2002
very good i hope u'll add more soon!
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