Reviews for Spotted!
Cookiex10 chapter 1 . 3/22/2002
fun fun fun i hope u add more!
nik chapter 4 . 3/22/2002
Oh gosh! I wish I'd found this story sooner, but at least in waiting I got to read four chapters consecutively! What to say? I looooove Tohru, her characterization is PERFECT. Mika is so sweet! You included Uo, Hana, and Mit! SHIGURE! I love this story so much, I'll be checking back for more and more. )
Kedi chapter 4 . 3/20/2002
Ohhh... cliffhanger. I cant wait for the next chapter. You are really keeping with the characters. It's almost as good as watching the anime.
Skyfire K'vala chapter 4 . 3/19/2002
Ooooh! drama! please continue, the storyline's getting really interesting now _ i liked that bit between mika and tohru, that was good, and overall ppl were in character. don't suppose you need a beta reader, just a coupla grammar things and flow. May the muses be with you!
dementedchris chapter 4 . 3/19/2002
Now this is really good stuff. Each chapter shows something important, and you manage to leave your readers wanting more. Keep it up.
alexix chapter 4 . 3/19/2002
sawatari's sneaky...cunning...i luv him! (not really, but he really is cool...hehe).
JadeAnime chapter 4 . 3/19/2002
Grr... bad magazine man.

May fiery hot cheese burn the skin from his bones!
dissolvablelabels chapter 4 . 3/19/2002
eep! Eeevil Sawatari. It's going to be interesting to see what Kyou and Yuki try to do, let alone what Tohru will decide. Excellent fic once again! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Asami chapter 1 . 3/17/2002
This ist great. Please continue the story. You are famous!
alexix chapter 3 . 3/16/2002
hahaha...i luv mit-chan! anyway, this really reminds me of that Love Hina episode, where Naru becomes and
baka deshi chapter 3 . 3/10/2002
Wow...I should have been writing my paper, but I got caught into this wonderful story instead _ I really like your idea, and I'm dying to see where everything goes...
Nikholas 'elf' Toledo chapter 1 . 3/7/2002
I like the way you write. The scene flows smoothly and doesn't read like it was rushed. Keep it up.
Ferrum chapter 3 . 3/6/2002
Ack! Oh my, this is cute and funny... but it's going to be a drama? please continue!
yume chapter 3 . 3/6/2002
::starry eyed::

that was soo kawaii!

can't wait to read more!
Ohimesama chapter 3 . 3/6/2002
I love this fic to pieces! Another great creation by Merrow-sama _

I like how you allow the supporting characters to have their moment in the spotlight *chap 3 with Mit-chan going all professional was soo cute* poor girl gets enough crap from Shigure *evil dog*

ah! Of course i love the Yuki-Tohru-kyou dynamics not so much the love triangle but the way they react to each other *totemo kawai* _

Can't wait to read chap 4 oh yeah looking forward to more discoveries O
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