Reviews for The Occluded Soul
Snapecentric chapter 20 . 9/1/2024
I really loved reading this stirring, action-packed story!
Laughing Owl Owlery chapter 19 . 8/18/2024
Lovely, creative, and awe-inspiring One of my favourite rereads
Alwu99 chapter 10 . 8/15/2024
Awww u blackmail
Verdillious chapter 20 . 7/15/2024
Beautiful story! Thank you!
Beth1112 chapter 20 . 7/1/2024
I really enjoyed your story.
34chapters chapter 20 . 6/29/2024
I’ve seen so many people recommend this story, I’m so glad I finally gave it a read. Easily one of my top Snamione stories from this moment forward. Thank you for such a beautiful tale!
ksyushangel chapter 20 . 6/24/2024
It's still love) Even after 100500 re-reads;)
Guest chapter 20 . 6/4/2024
Well, people says everything happens for one or several reason, surely I had read this fiction years ago, lucky (in some way) I had neuro COVI d, so I can not remember some fics, someone's too beautiful like this, thank you.
FED-NS chapter 20 . 5/28/2024
This is so damn beautiful, I have no words. It's one of the best Snamione fics in existence, and I'm so so glad that I found it. This is exactly what I was looking for for ages. Thank you, you amazing person! I'm gonna go devour the rest of your fics now, because who needs sleep when there are stories to be read, right? No, sleep is for the weak.
hatersfuelmyflame chapter 20 . 4/25/2024
This was beautiful!
Guest chapter 20 . 3/15/2024
Just magical! I loved this story! Well written and hard to stop reading once you’ve started.
Caramel4me chapter 20 . 10/14/2023
I loved this, a very new and intriguing story, thank you for sharing with us! I really do love your writing style and ability, I feel o could probably read anything. You wrote and enjoy it.
clarelissy chapter 20 . 10/8/2023
I loved the dynamic between them in this fic! The angst, their deep emotional connection, the magical theory… thank you!
sarahschorsch527 chapter 20 . 9/5/2023
This is the second time I’ve read this and once again it drew me in and kept me there until I finished it in a matter of less than a day. Both times it has made me cry and feel so many deep emotions. I very much enjoy your writing and will likely read this again in the future!
contrerasmartha316 chapter 20 . 9/4/2023
I think this the 5 time that i read this and like always you made me cry, laugh and pull my hair with how frustrated i was with Severus. Sincerely I believe this is the best sevmione i have ever read. You are someone so incredibly talented and have a way with words that pulls me so deeply in the story that really felt like I was part of this beautiful story and not just mere bystander. My favorite was Severus with a pink coat thats something that I will never forget and he was quite endearing.
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