Reviews for Influence
wabulabadubdub chapter 26 . 8/28
fuck i can’t stop crying
brittandsan chapter 26 . 8/3
fuck. this story cost me so many hours of sleep and so so many tears.
Inge chapter 26 . 4/7
Thank you so much for this beautiful and emotional story.
You really did a great job.

sharnii chapter 26 . 6/2/2023
I didn't like the ending or the arc about Brittany recovering at her Dad's. It was emotionally unsatisfying (for me) and felt like she turned into this whole other person (which essentially, I guess is your point ... she was a whole 'nother person, unknown, underneath the drugs). A person who doesn't ring true to Brittany's character to me, both the tv version and the under-the-influence version that you created on top of the tv version. A whole other person with a whole other life ... which I wasn't invested in and didn't care about.

I loved the rest of the story, up til then.

I'm not saying I didn't want a happy ending. Or for Brittany/Santana to end up together (I totally did). Just that the last however many chapters no longer felt 'real'. It was somehow different in flavour to the rest of the story, and I don't mean the mood. It's totally hard to explain. I don't fully understand myself!

Yet this is my honest experience.

Thank you for this story. I can tell you poured a lot of yourself into it (or it sure seems that way). That you felt a lot while writing it. And that you got a lot out of the readers reading it and responding, at least the ones who read it concurrently with your writing.

Overall, a big kudos (and the story's now on my favourite list).
sharnii chapter 21 . 6/1/2023
Such intense ANGST.
sharnii chapter 20 . 6/1/2023
This was so sad.
sharnii chapter 19 . 6/1/2023
The shower sex was so hot!
sharnii chapter 18 . 6/1/2023
This chapter perfectly captures the intensity of falling apeshit in love. For the very first time. Or rather, daring to confess to the same.

sharnii chapter 17 . 6/1/2023
Very touching.
sharnii chapter 15 . 6/1/2023
A lot to like in this chapter. Some juicy explorations.
sharnii chapter 14 . 6/1/2023
They're totally entangled. In multiple senses.

sharnii chapter 12 . 5/31/2023
Very sweet. :-)
sharnii chapter 11 . 5/31/2023
Strangely sweet.
sharnii chapter 9 . 5/31/2023
So fucking angsty.
sharnii chapter 8 . 5/31/2023
Love the darkness of Brittany celebrating Sabina's (subtle) jealous response.

How dark was the sex with Karofsky? But you did it well - he wasn't made out to be a villain so much as a desperate and confused teenage boy (what he is). Yet the sex was plainly awful for Brittany (as it was).
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