Reviews for Little Green and Easybella |
winterhorses chapter 29 . 5/23 I’ve read this a million times over, and each of those times, I am absolutely stupified that this fic didn’t walk away with every single award for which it was nominated. What was wrong with people back then? How could they not have been blown away by the sheer amazingness and, yes, lovedliness of this story. Oh, and the lemons…dayum. Less like lemonade, more like lemon-flavored lava! No-So-Little Green is the hottest, most passionate Edward I’ve ever encountered. And given how many fics I’ve read, that’s saying a lot. I will always want more of these two, but I’m so thankful for what you did give us. |
Guest chapter 39 . 4/11/2023 This is one of my comfort stories recently I just re read it one of my favorites sad that it was not finished |
hotmama4jd chapter 39 . 2/11/2023 I’m heartbroken that you’ve abandoned this. Ironically, since this last chapter, I’ve found myself the parent of *two* kids with autism. I wish you’d finish just because I’d love to read a HEA with autistic characters. I need it. Anyway, I hope you are ok. (I am not). |
winterhorses chapter 19 . 11/26/2022 Have you seen The Good Doctor on tv? I just stumbled across it and am hooked! There are SO many similarities between Shaun, the autistic lead character, and Little Green. It’s uncanny. |
rpobsessed2 chapter 39 . 4/17/2022 Have you given up on this story? It is so unique and so loved by your Fanfiction fans. Please reconsider finishing it. We will be waiting. Hope all is well for you. Please re-read it yourself and maybe it will inspire you. I have read it 4 times. It really does capture your heart. We all have you on alert. Sharon |
Avrilsum41 chapter 39 . 6/6/2021 Aww I miss this story, I hope you‘ll update it again :D But I especially hope your health is better! |
Scottishlass626 chapter 39 . 1/12/2021 Are you going to continue this story?! I love Little Green and need to know how things work out for them. |
readluv chapter 39 . 12/30/2020 What a beautiful story you’ve written so far. Thank you so much for sharing it with us, I’ve never read any fic like it! Sending you best wishes and I hope you have a wonderful 2021! Hopefully we will see you back here soon. :) |
vivere-libere chapter 39 . 12/5/2020 Absolutely love this story! My son is on the spectrum and your rendering of E is so very, very spot on. Hope to read the conclusion of this wonderful story someday :) |
Moonlight4me chapter 31 . 5/20/2020 1 for Astrid Lindgrens alone. I love the Ronja Rövardotter book! My favorite as a child. |
Moonlight4me chapter 18 . 5/19/2020 Chapter 18. Wow, this story is so intense. In a good way. |
hotmama4jd chapter 39 . 4/20/2020 I’m so sad you’ve abandoned this story. As the mom of an autistic child, it gave me such joy to read. I hope some day you find your way back. Hundreds of us would love to see what awaits them. |
StrawberryFreesia chapter 39 . 4/19/2020 hi betti, i don't know if you still write much on fanfiction but if you ever feel up to it again please know there are people out there who would still be so so happy to hear more about easybella and little green. possibly the most loveable couple almost ever :) i love them both. i keep thinking thoughis bella pregnant, she mentions getting overwhelmed emotionally recently and then i keep thinking when is esme or carlisle going to have the chat. like about how bella is older and did bella ever act innapropriately with edward when she babysat... although the fact they havn't had that chat hopefully means they recognise and know bella enough to feel the chat is entirely unnecessary. i also hope bella and edward read the letters together and that edward and bella unlock his past together and support each other. edwards also helped bella so much already to help her see that jake is pretty worthless, i hope she really realises soon. i love edward and how the fact that he treats bella so good helps bella realise how bad and wrong the way jake treated her was. oh and finally maybe we could find out about bella's parents. when she was babysitting charlie sounded disparaging towards edward, i hope he has a better outlook now...if not i reckon bella won't put up with it. i can't wait for tanya to hear about the cat. maybe an outtake of bella turning up the next day and telling tanya. oh and bella making edward meals on wheels whilst he is rehearsing is so cut maybe she could make him his special cookies again too and finally is jasper gay and crushing on edward? the whole licking his lips thing and saying how bella would be a fool not to marry edward sounded like he was flirting?...oh just read the outtake. ah help poor edward inviting jasper round as a friend. i hope things don't get awkward and i hope bella is there for him. I can't wait for bella to go to one of his performances and i'm also curious to see what will happen with bella's career? Did she go to uni or college? what did she study? maybe she could continue working with tanya parttime as lets be honest that shop and bella edwaard and tanya talks are the best but also maybe on her days off she could write or something? I don't know. oh and talking of tanya will we ever hear about how tanya was mean to edward when they were younger? Will tanya apologise or edward tell bella about it? anyway just some thoughts to show you how excited your writing gets people and how invested and enthralled the reader becomes in the world you create. you put such heart into your writing and it feels so tender and beautiful. so whatever happens i just want to say thankyou and as for finishing please just take the pressure off yourself. don't feel bad about not posting, just write if and when you miss your chareacters or somthing reminds you of them and just know that if it's months from now or another 5 years till you write again i'll be eagerly waiting and it will feel like a present. remember though there is literally no pressure as you don't owe us anything, anything you write is a gift and i thankyou fr the many chapters of gifts you have given so far. It sounded like you've been unwell in one of your recent authors notes. I hope you recover. Wishing you all the best and thankyou again and stay safe during this crazy time. Jo |
StrawberryFreesia chapter 23 . 4/18/2020 Yes! I'm completely with you. Torn is my favourite... of that sort of story anyway. The agonising emotion throughout. Wish the author would write at least 100 more chapters. with the quality of your writing and story and the fact you just reccomended my fave i will definitely be checking all your reccomended stories out and your other stories obviously:) |
StrawberryFreesia chapter 14 . 4/18/2020 /s/7091486/1you say the most adorable edward ever in your authors note about innapropriate touching... i havn't read it yet though it's on my to read list now thanks to you but i just can't imagine myself feeling more for an edward then little green. he is so true, brave, loyal and loving. |