Reviews for Turn
Beth1112 chapter 14 . 6/18/2024
I really enjoyed your story.
SaShaNix chapter 14 . 4/1/2024
I'm late but I think it's never too late to say "wonderful" when something really is. Thank you, thank you very much for this!
Story-Girlx chapter 14 . 1/2/2023
Fantastic ending I did really love it
Story-Girlx chapter 8 . 1/2/2023
time to leave a reviiew...I'm finding all these great stories years later lol I think you've handled this situation brilliantly with Harry/Ginny. I love this story it's so well written but it has made me realise I like plots where Harry isn't with Ginny at all. I took a chance on this story as cheating is a trigger and I'm glad there wasn't any (Technically) I'm glad I did take a chance on this
iamstar chapter 12 . 6/26/2022
Hi, I am loving the story so far, I think you meant to write navigate instead used 'negotiate'. Best of luck
Ash chapter 14 . 2/7/2022
I'm not sure if you check the comments on this anymore, it's ten years old after all, but I have to leave this here, because I adore this work so much. I discovered it a good 8 years ago and the story immediately became my comfort fic. It is so incredibly well written, the characterizations are perfect, and the arc is so moving that even now, 8 years after I fell in love with it, I still go back and read through when I'm in a rough period. Your words helped me find the strength to get through a lot and I love it, I love you, everything about it is perfect and I am so thankful that your writing exists
Guest chapter 14 . 10/18/2021
This gay shit made me want to kill myself
Guest chapter 14 . 10/17/2021
where is teddy
Divine Euphoria chapter 13 . 10/17/2021
oh my God. dude. this story. I really really really loved this story so much. the writing is amazing, characterization is spot on, and the plot is so engaging. Harry's characterization is so well I'm really jealous of your skills. I loved his humour, his sarcasm, his love towarda Draco. Literally everything. so cute. the story itself was so cute I couldn't put it down at all. thank you for this awesome story. I enjoyed reading every word. I also like Harry's post-Hogwarts life. that's how he's supposed to be, a good father, a loving and caring father. not how the cursed child was... Thanks again! I truly enjoyed this! and I wish there was a sequel but oh well
Guest chapter 14 . 10/17/2021
oh my God. dude. this story. I really really really loved this story so much. the writing is amazing, characterization is spot on, and the plot is so engaging. Harry's characterization is so well I'm really jealous of your skills. I loved his humour, his sarcasm, his love towarda Draco. Literally everything. so cute. the story itself was so cute I couldn't put it down at all. thank you for this awesome story. I enjoyed reading every word. I also like Harry's post-Hogwarts life. that's how he's supposed to be, a good father, a loving and caring father. not how the cursed child was... Thanks again! I truly enjoyed this!
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 14 . 10/13/2021
I was really iffy about reading this story, mostly because of the length, but surprisingly this long story didn’t turn out to be one of those that dragged on and on, making me just wish I was at the end already. Instead, I found myself flying through this story and not wanting to put it down.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 6 . 10/11/2021
I’ve read up to a quarter through this chapter and only just realized that Teddy Lupin seems to be missing from this story.
Shadow Lestrange Potter chapter 14 . 7/7/2021
Hi! I know it's been a while since you've published this story and I'm sure you've heard it at least a million times before but... I just wanted to say that I really really really loved your story. It was perfect from beginning to end and, honestly, THIS is how Harry Potter's books should have ended.

I have to say that I've been with a knot in my heart and chest through all of the story. I've cried like a little baby in all those angsty chapters and gigglied like a teenager in love with all those beautiful and romantic scenes.

Honestly, this is the best Drarry fic I've ever read. You're a really talented writer, I thought you should know.
Thank you so much for sharing this master piece of Drarry.

P.S: I'm sorry if I have gramatical mistakes in my review, English isn't my native language.
Metey chapter 14 . 6/22/2021
One of the greatest books ever.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/24/2021
This is my comfort read I come back to every now and then and reread. It makes me so happy and so sad and everything in between it’s so real and so beautiful. I’ve only just read all your other work on here I don’t know why I never have before but I love love love it all. Except that you killed the rat. And Draco. But I love how honest and real and silly and heart wrenching it all is. It destroys me and puts me back together. All of your work is stunning and I even enjoy reading your disclaimers and I’m jealous of your snape keyring. I’m babbling. Is there more work else where I’ve finished and I’m bereft. Stupidly finished with the 24 hour one so now I’ll be rereading turn to get back to my happy place. Thankyou so much for existing for writing and for sharing.
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