Reviews for How To Annoy A
ChildofBabylon chapter 4 . 2/6/2012
Oh my :')

do you realise how much I laughed reading this?


There are some crazy things on there which would probably mean you'd be getting a death wish but it would so be worth it hahaha

Pretty please can we see more? I know its been a while but this is just hilarious! Shaz and chris next?
JoinTheHunt1981 chapter 4 . 9/12/2011

I just picked myself up iff the floor long enough to write this!

Love it, especially "How to annoy a Gene" and "How to annoy a Keats"!

Well done :)
Sarah7293 chapter 4 . 4/19/2011
Just read all of them - repeatedly laughing loudly and scaring my hamster - great stuff! I want to put the lists into practice, though! Dammit! :')
SoLifeGoesOn chapter 4 . 3/2/2011
Just read all of it,made me totally lol!

Remember to check your spelling and not to rush though:)

Fabulous overall xD
theHuntgoeson chapter 4 . 12/30/2010
Howlarious! Annoying enough to make Ray's perm lose its curl. Please keep writing these - how about Shaz next, or Chris?
Eleantris chapter 4 . 12/4/2010
Haha, these are so funny! I especially loved the Alex one, will you be doing more? I thinka Luigi one would be brilliant, and Shaz!

YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff chapter 4 . 11/18/2010
LOL! Well, *I* knew what the Fanfiction in Fanfiction thing meant. Because I'm awesome :D



Mutant cupcake, anyone?
EightEminus chapter 4 . 11/18/2010
Ray and Viv... awwwww!

Very funny, keep it up!
Jazzola chapter 4 . 11/17/2010
Hehe, this is great! I like it :D Sooo funny!

The one thing I didn't like: the bit about dying it ginger. Please, don't use jokes like that to have a go at redhead people. It's really stupid humour.

Seriously, this is a great idea. Don't let the majority of it, which is hilarious, down with B-rated jokes.

That said, I loved the suggestion of plaiting the moustache and calling him a man-whore XD And the bit about nobody wanting to sleep with him and then telling everyone he's with Viv XD

Keep writing!

Jazzola :)

PS: Please don't think I'm flaming, that's not my intention at all. It's just a recommendation for you- this fic is so great :D
FluffieBunniekins chapter 4 . 11/17/2010
Ok, it's official. I LOVE you for this. PLEASE do more! I'll love you forever if you do! How about Shaz?
EightEminus chapter 3 . 11/11/2010
I can't pick a favourite item on the list. I want to but can't. I think this Keats one is my favourite chapter though.

Don't worry too much about the negative comment a few below mine. Ordinarily, I'm not mad keen on ff mentioned in ff (violates metaphysics) but in your fic, it works and it's funny so who cares? It's also fairly interesting that the comment was annonymous.

I want to see who you do next!
FluffieBunniekins chapter 3 . 11/7/2010
I love this SO MUCH! It's the second funniest thing on Fanfiction! And it's very close! I don't mind you mentioning Fanfiction in aFanfiction, so long as said fanfiction is actually funny. Which it is. PLEASE can you do one for Ray next? Pretty please? *Flutters eyelashes*
Deweynumbers chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
Particularly like 8,9 and 15-17 inclusive. Good laugh. How about annoying Ray and Shaz?
theHuntgoeson chapter 3 . 11/6/2010
ROFL! ROFL! This is just so funny. Especially painting his glasses pink, that should keep me happy for days. Mentioning fanfiction in a fanfiction? Doesn't annoy me, I've thought of doing it a couple of times myself...
Elliewelly1 chapter 3 . 11/3/2010
people dont like reading about fanfiction within a fanfiction? When did this happen?

"15) Tell him Alex only goes after REAL men.

16) Like Gene.

17) Not him."

- My favourites:') (Or the Kalex shippers one!)

haha, this is so amazing in every single way, i love this so much, though I am sure that I have mentioned this before, lol! Looking forward to more P
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