Reviews for A Spark of Genius
Ahmed Maged chapter 8 . 9/5/2019
Wtf is this shit?
Anhkmorpork chapter 45 . 8/30/2019
"I've been waiting for this next chapter for a long, long, long time" 4 years before you stopped updating other stories. Seems an odd place to stop.
As an alternative thing to think about, have you noticed that a few universes line up time wise for an excellent crossover? Harry Potter defeats Voldemort a few months before the Buffy tv show begins, as Harry may want to find an outlet for his grief, and four years later the events of Smallville begin. This would allow them all to happen in one world, as they keep each lot of adventures under wraps until years later. Dursley's go to Smallville to sell drills to Lionel Luthor for some project, meteor shower kills them, but not Harry, who gets found by the Kents along with Clark. This is 1989, Harry is 9. A happier, healthier Harry does Hogwarts, mostly as normal, trying not to worry his new parents. In 97 Harry is done, and goes on a gap year, passing through Sunnydale, and gets involved. Show goes off the rails. With an older brother who has fought vampires, demons, and immortal dark lords, who can also erase memories, the Kents are much less worried about Clark revealing his powers, and Harry pops up now and again as a deus ex. Shame you stopped writing and wont use this idea.
Anhkmorpork chapter 17 . 8/28/2019
It'll be far to late now, but "The Xandcastle" has to be the name.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/27/2019
Hiatus? After 6 years? Nah, don't believe it.

Be honest now and admit this story is abandoned.
Snappy Flowah chapter 13 . 7/17/2019
The Dialogue sounds forced and awkward.
The Plot /is/ forced and awkward.
The Punctuations are either all over the place or not in place at all.
The MC is slowly going OOC, with little to no explanation on the deviation.
The other Characters *Cough*Zatanna*Cough* become of no relevance to the plot side from their first introduction -and subsequent seduction-

In short... This needs to be Revamped

Guest chapter 45 . 7/10/2019
Please update this, it’s sad when good stories die.
PwnerofHeroes chapter 24 . 6/28/2019
Unlike a statement made at the start of the chapter seems to imply, the 95% of the population of the world that aren't American, tend to be capable enough at geography that they know what the different continents are
Houseoftards chapter 17 . 6/3/2019
It seems the story is gettung muttled in Xander becominf Doctor Doom 2.0 and putting in politics, and his handiling of tjat woman from last chapter wasnt the most...In Charecter showing of him creeping on a girl after he just yeeted 2 officers in front of her
Guest chapter 40 . 5/24/2019
Umm? Doesn't Bruce know that he's violating international law under the Espionage Act? Legally he could be put on trial and either executed or imprisoned. Everyone thinks Batman is awesome but technically he's one of the biggest criminals in the DC universe.
Guestinator chapter 18 . 5/17/2019
And this will start the whole mind rape thing along with most of the problems Xander experiences. Simply because a slut dressed scorned women refuses to tell the truth and instead believes hurting someone she met all of once before sleeping with somehow makes her just.

Nothing is ever done about that situation or Zatanna for those that haven't read it yet. Because that would make this to realistic is my thought, can't have the supposed heroes going to jail or being shown to all as not being saintly eh?
Guestinator chapter 14 . 5/17/2019
Not tell you what to do? How about this one - You need to update this you slow motherfucker!
teazer chapter 45 . 5/7/2019
Hands down one of the most original, well written crossover fanfiction I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Just simply wow.
Guest chapter 27 . 4/26/2019
So what happened to his vectors and calculations that he does during a fight? Can’t he apply it to everything else? Please be more fucking consistent and stop switching around protagonist’s skills and abilities to expand ob your shitty excuse for plot.
Guest chapter 24 . 4/26/2019
Like srsly.. we’re at chapter 24 of your story and u decided to play angsty character growth only now? Just fuck you dude.
Guest chapter 24 . 4/26/2019
So your excuse for the shitshow of the previous chapter is that he is not used to his powers? Then how come people just leisurely reading the story can see al the mistakes in passing even without a superbrain? Like srsly, all that crap could been avoided while using common sense.. Unless ofc the original Xander had the menta capacities of an amoeba.
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