Reviews for A Spark of Genius
GeorgeTobor chapter 23 . 8/6/2018
Chapter length does not matter much, but I recommend at least one thousand words.

If on you computer screen you can see the beginning AND end of the chapter then it is very very very short, maybe too short.

On the other hand at this point I'd accept a single sentence.
"I'm alive and working on the story."
GeorgeTobor chapter 22 . 8/6/2018
There are several places you can end a story.

Let's take Harry Potter as an example.
Book One tells a complete children's story.

Quite a few fanfics stop at then end of year four.
Harry kills Tom right after he gets a body back.

Another possible end point is the battle at the ministry.
Tom is killed in book five in other fanfictions.

The battle of Hogwarts is an ending, it would have been OK.

The crapilouge, sorry, epilogue, is the end Jo gave us.
I'd like her to take it back, I want a refund!

Stories can have many endings, just please complete the last posted story arc.
GeorgeTobor chapter 20 . 8/6/2018
There is a fic on Twisting The Hellmouth where on Halloween Xander wears a Poison Ivy costume!

Sadly it is incomplete...
Rune Tobor chapter 19 . 8/6/2018
Little children are INFLUENCED by cartoons and comics.
Children can be cruel, sometimes violent.
Remember Columbine? The first modern school shooting?
Even if killing is necessary sometimes in real life, comics are supposedly better...
Except we now have a few generations of wimps and cowards.
Bleeding heart fools who don't understand not everyone can be saved and diplomacy includes WAR!

Things like school shootings will continue until bullies are stopped!
Take away guns and people will just use other weapons!

Not too long ago someone uses a car or truck to run over a crowd!
Well over a dozen were injured, I didn't pay attention to how many died...

Let's ban guns! Let's ban cars!

Let's do anything, everything, but solve the real problem, PEOPLE!

I'm really enjoying reading this story again, I needed the humor.
Rune Tobor chapter 18 . 8/6/2018
Interesting adaptation of the resouling spell. Please update sometime in my lifetime.
Blood Wine and Song chapter 23 . 7/19/2018
Inconsistent plot (holes).
Blood Wine and Song chapter 21 . 7/19/2018
God, how I fucking hate Xander.
Michae1ange1o chapter 45 . 7/18/2018
You know, I may as well print this story out and bind it, I think I have read it about at least a dozen times and it still makes me laugh.

Anyway all the best and I hope things get better and you win the lottery, I did after my ex dumped me via messenger, I won £400 went out and got so drunk I woke up the next day with alcohol poisoning, no pants, a french traffic sign (which is wierd since I was in Manchester UK at the time) and £650 which was £250 more than I went out with. So long and thanks for all the fics :)
Guest chapter 45 . 7/17/2018
This is a rollercoaster of insanity and fun! But I've read the bios of you author that you'll take you life seriously so good luck and take your time to update this masterpiece. We'll be waiting for a supernova spark climax ending. *madly cackles like a mad scientist who made the the whole multiverse rules his bitch.*
zechj471 chapter 45 . 7/16/2018
Do you plan on updating this?
GameWhino chapter 45 . 6/24/2018
Dear god this entire story was absolutely phenomenal.
Son of sea 9 tail chapter 45 . 6/24/2018
It really good and funny
I agree with you about the girl part in Author note
Will the capture magic join the school and teach magic or will only some and the main atackers be in jail like a spreah of slow time or or fast time
ashez2ashes chapter 2 . 6/14/2018
Aww I was hoping he was in the Girl Genius universe. :( The Justice League universe is rather a let down. There are tons of crossovers like that, but not many girl genius ones.
Nysk chapter 27 . 6/1/2018
This is to inform you that I greatly enjoy your tale... Pray I review further...
rcarrasc chapter 45 . 5/5/2018
Muy buena... la he leido como 6 veces ya... ojala puedas terminarla
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