Reviews for A Spark of Genius
Guest chapter 35 . 3/10/2023
Dropped. Keep your grey characters grey authors, starting a grey char then forcing him to be ''good'' by using stupid plot ends with pissed off readers.
Guest chapter 34 . 3/10/2023
Yeah, sure, heartfelt bagpipe music breaking through the amazon's hard shells... yeah fucking right, you 1st fucked up when you had Cassy tell him not to kill, then the whole Rama thing now you turn a moment meant to annoy the amazons into something that ''will make them understand him as a person and friend''. Write Pokemon if you wanna go the heartfelt route. I stuck to this because Xander actually stood up for his beliefs even against the justice league, but you are fucking up the story by making him ''good'' when he should stay grey.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/9/2023
Love scene? were is the love, that was a lemon, plain and simple, bad one too.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/9/2023
Annoying, 1st some1 stops him from going where he wants to go, and then we have to sit through horrible, terrible, cringe flirting.
jaselp00 chapter 45 . 2/12/2023
While other parts of the story were funny, what happened to the Joker was hilarious!
Gale13 chapter 31 . 1/27/2023
I am sadly someone who usually plows through a fanfiction without reviewing. I love this story and this isy second time reading it. I love good Xander crossovers.
Gale13 chapter 29 . 1/27/2023
Love it.
Gale13 chapter 18 . 1/25/2023
Got to love crazy plot bunnies!
budjul1611975 chapter 11 . 1/21/2023
Nice Obi Van Kenobi reference...
budjul1611975 chapter 1 . 1/19/2023
Love it when author demean 's such an idiot in my opinion.
Shortmike24 chapter 18 . 1/12/2023
this is a really shitty story. with a few good parts. he is the dumbest motherfucker in the world. he has fucking superman flash powers and hes scared of some dumb slut that poops out batmans kid. who gives a shit pussy. god damn cliche after cliche. fuck off
blazingwolffang chapter 21 . 1/9/2023
So Xander had no defenses for teleportation
roderickdiaz chapter 36 . 10/27/2022
I still don't get why he didn't just fly to the head, drop the bombs when he was yelling and wait for them to explode his head! this is so fucking forced that I had a hard trying to finish reading this chapter. and the armor, he has nano things in his blood, they could take it out and start healing him. this is such a forced plot to make him good
FriendlyFire59 chapter 45 . 9/24/2022
I originally read this over on tth and followed the author to ffn. A seriously cracktastic story. Sad that the author stopped posting in 2017. Just thinking how much fun the Jagermonsters, Valkyries, and Minions would have had once the Thanagarian invasion started. Of course all the other Evil Space Empires, Imperiums, and wanna be Space Nazis will curse the Thanagaians as this will give The Leviathan the excuse to expand off of his home planet. As well as giving him plenty of examples of space tech to enhance as only a Spark can, such fun. Huh, I think the Green Lantern Corp is likely to end up reduced to the equivalent of beat cops, important, but not the most glamorous of jobs.
Thanks for having posted.
J chapter 12 . 9/10/2022
"Being a short man, he places too much importance on size."
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