Reviews for A Different Halloween
khetanisultan94 chapter 3 . 12/2
A very convenient way to get rid of Voldemort from this fic as a antagonist. Don’t know if this bad!Dumbledore is any better.
khetanisultan94 chapter 2 . 11/30
Yeah Lils, i don’t think Petunia would’ve cared as much for Harry(because we have the canon books as evidence) as you will for Dudley. Also, is Barty Senior going to be good? Wow. At least its Snape. That is also overdone.
khetanisultan94 chapter 1 . 11/30
I dig the idea of Harry and Hermione being close and growing together as childhood friends(who become more later on). And JamesLily living is great too. But the Dumbledore is a villain is so overused. If Ron is also villainized later on, I’m calling it quits
Guest77 chapter 20 . 10/23
Some things I liked: the tv system being implemented in Hogwarts; Dudley, Harry, Hermione, Neville, Susan and Luna’s bond; Barty Crouch becoming a better person/minister after his son’s suicide; Slytherin being accepting of muggles. Things I didn’t enjoy: not explaining what happened to Voldy/and horcruxes; who was the prophesied one; Dudley or Harry; making Dumbledore the main villain(you can’t NOT mention Voldy and NOT have him show up).
h chapter 1 . 10/21
I just realized what "Uncs Paddy" is.
articdranzer chapter 1 . 9/28
Re-read number n.
kaskazi117 chapter 20 . 9/17
Really well written. You had me giggling, crying and laughing every half hour
bashfyl chapter 20 . 9/3
Thanks for sharing 3
tracy0652 chapter 20 . 8/28
I’ve always enjoyed your work / I haven’t re-read this one in a while - I forgot how much I love it! Thanks for sharing!
erstwhile-S chapter 18 . 8/22
Came back to read the first few chapters where toddler Hermione and Harry are so adorable, but just couldn’t stop there. Read the story again, my second time in the last two months. Loved it, as usual.
Thunder chapter 15 . 8/14
A bit harsh what happened with the Daily Prophet. There is such a thing as Freedom of the Press after all!
Finnspa23 chapter 20 . 8/6
Great story!
chupacabratamer chapter 20 . 8/1
I really enjoyed your the story. You craft an amazing tale and i will be reading the rest of your works. thank you for sharing
peggy77 chapter 20 . 7/27
Such a wonderful story!
peggy77 chapter 10 . 7/26
This is one of my favorite stories and I'm re-reading it. I just checked and it looks like you're still coming here to fanfiction dot net, that's nice to know.

I was going to put this in a PM but it appears you have that feature turned off. That's totally fine with me though as I wasn't planning to say anything negative anyway.

I just wanted to tell you that I have seen your comments on a lot of different stories and I think it's great that you are always nice and never say anything hurtful about the story you're commenting on.

This is a great story and is how I wish it had been for Harry. Even Dudley is better off.
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