Reviews for The List of Words
meshi64 chapter 10 . 8/7/2011
Great story! love it :)
Animechick95 chapter 10 . 8/3/2011
Oh god, i seriously thought that i was reading another book. the true final book in the hunger game series. i loved what you did at the end with the pearl because honestly i thought suzane was going to do something like thatat the end of the final book but she didnt so im glad to see that somebody out there actually did something withthe pearl. i like that you made gale move on and the one year anniversery tv show at the end was just amazing, it was as if i was watching it myself. Your an astounding writer an i imagine that ill be seeing books in the future that list you as the author :)
Dance Elle Dance chapter 10 . 8/3/2011
Really like this fic. Nicely written. Keep up the great work!
tracieo chapter 9 . 7/28/2011
fantastic! and I would love it if you could rec more fics - I'm new to this fandom
tracieo chapter 8 . 7/27/2011
this is such a satisfying read! so like what I imagined it should be, and I am so grateful find it - but it's late, and I will have to read the next 2 chapters tomorrow...or curl up with my blackberry...
tracieo chapter 7 . 7/27/2011
that made me cry - perfect!
tracieo chapter 6 . 7/27/2011
this chapter hits all the right notes - Katniss never made anything easy, this is such a true imagining of how it would be
tracieo chapter 3 . 7/27/2011
perfect - exactly what I would expect, Katniss not knowing what her feelings meant and not able to spit out the words ...great chapter
tracieo chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
wow - I had this on alert for awhile, but just had time to start it. I re-read the HG trilogy and was dying for more - this is perfect! well written and in character - love it!
EnglishGrlVerity chapter 10 . 7/27/2011
This is such a lovely fic : ) I kept meaning to review after every chapter but I was just so excited to see what happened next that I forgot every time. The ending if this was nice, I loved the idea of the pearl being made into their engagement ring, very nice touch. And Finnick and Annie's story is one if my favorite subplots so I'm glad you've highlighted it throughout your fic : ) I'm excited for you next chapter! Update soon! : )
angels0ul chapter 10 . 7/21/2011
Love love lOved it! The characters and the reality of it was superb! Hehe and I love a good piece of lemon too.. ;)
wompwompwomp chapter 10 . 7/19/2011
i love love LOVE that you said the ring was a little too big. i don't know what it is...i guess since every other story says something about the ring fitting perfectly and how it was meant to be and blah blah blah. your story portrays what really matters in relationships, and it shows how inconsequential the effing size of an engagement ring is in the scheme of things...i probably read way too much into that but idk, i just love that line. i feel like it sums up everything they've gone through, you know? never quite perfect, but it doesn't need to be for them...anyways wonderful story.
BiskElle chapter 10 . 7/19/2011
This story is absolutely fantastic. Although there are many stories, good ones too, that are written between the last chapter and the epilogue of Mockingjay, none are quite so precise in capturing the essence of the characters and the book as this one. Sometimes I genuinely get so wrapped up and think that this is an extension of the book! I could truly see the characters move forward and develop in this direction. Thank you for sharing these wonderful thoughts with us! I hope to see many more fics from you!


Melissa chapter 10 . 7/15/2011
This story was absolutely amazing. I loved it. That last chapter was perfect. The whole television program and the ring. Beautiful.
Jenna chapter 10 . 7/12/2011
I really enjoyed your story. It was really thoughtful take a great quote from the book and spin it into 10 chapters that give an extended (and much needed) ending to the fantastic series.
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