Reviews for The List of Words
ffelinas chapter 7 . 4/1/2011
This is a great story. I really like the realistic side of their relationship. Thanks for writing ;)
Owlsk8r chapter 7 . 3/31/2011
Awwwww yay that Katniss and Peeta finally kissed and made up! :)
ponderer chapter 7 . 3/30/2011
I absolutely love this! The characters literally come right from the trilogy and the plot is wonderful. Great, great job!
rhshorty95 chapter 7 . 3/30/2011
:D! x3 im such an idiot lol. soon as i saw that u put up another chapter i cursed and got all excited lmao. yaay (:

"I forget the mention the deaths of Mitchell and Messalla, then clumsily try to add them in, apologizing profusely each time." should be i forget *to* mention...(:

i have a friend named alma XD

aw yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :DDD 3333333333
LiveLaughLoveToRead chapter 7 . 3/30/2011
that was really good :)
Mockingjay1804 chapter 7 . 3/30/2011
Beautiful! I can't wait to see Katniss finally realize she loves Peeta.
KB chapter 7 . 3/30/2011
I have never left a review for a story here before but I think this story warranted one since it's so gorgeous! The characterization of everyone is amazing and I can't wait until the next update.
Jessiquie chapter 7 . 3/30/2011
Naww, I love how their so protective of Haymitch, and that they banded together unknowingly at the time to do so. And I couldn't keep the smile off my face during the scene when she confronts the captial's cameraman with a frying pan. Kind of reminds of Tangled- and the line in that, when the so called 'bad guy turned love insterest' is like 'A frying pan, who knew? I gotta get me one of these.'

Glad that they are back together, even if the road is bumpy from here, they can overcome anything together.
I.Walk.Threw.Walls chapter 7 . 3/29/2011
I'm so glad things are fixed between them _ And I love how Katniss threatened that guy with the frying pan! Nice touch. Loved every bit of this chapter, get the next one up soon!
Solaryllis chapter 7 . 3/29/2011
The ending was lovely, and I really enjoyed them working together (accidentally!) to protect Haymitch.
soybean chapter 7 . 3/29/2011
love this story so much! I feel like you've made the characters the most realistic of any Hunger Games fanfic I've ever read and the development is great. Can't wait for the update!
liebedance chapter 7 . 3/29/2011
Oh, a sweet chapter. My favourite part was Peeta and Katniss' stopping Plutarch from interrogating Haymitch. And, of course, the snogs at the end. :)
Inume-blue chapter 7 . 3/29/2011
I really enjoyed this chapter, it has to be one of my absolute favs. I loved how you brought out the emotion from the characters. I was about to go get a frying pan and hunt dowm Plutarch myself. keep up the good work and update soon! :)
Hitchy chapter 7 . 3/29/2011
Ah, yes!Reconciliation at last. SO glad. I know it wll be a rouch road for these two, but they should travel it together.
PeetaMellark'sKatniss chapter 7 . 3/29/2011
yayy theyre together againnn
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