Reviews for Let Me Help You
MissGalactica chapter 9 . 4/1/2011
awwww you made zim sound so cute in this! XD I like it how dib acts so nice to poor helpless little zim! *giggles* eek! i cant wait to see what dib says to the tallests! and how he will do it!
Grogie13 chapter 9 . 3/31/2011
hella tired, forgive me if I mess up at any point in this review

Like always, you did a fantastic jobb. I think at one point you didn't capitalize the beginning of a sentence, but it didn't exactly detract from the story enough to make me want to punch a baby xP

can't wait for more, your writing is like someone talking to me in my head and telling me nice things before telling me to punch a baby xD
Moth Mask chapter 9 . 3/31/2011
Aww, poor Zim : He's all sad.

Yeah, Dib! Use that brain~ Tallests may not be parents, but they're close enough. o_o Pretty lousy parents they are...

"So was Zim just testing the waters of humanities strength? Or where these small acts of violence cries for help?"

Do I sense internal struggle? :3 Kid-Dib vs School-Counselor-Dib?
sakiko of soleana chapter 9 . 3/31/2011
ha! i caught that! i love good ol nick.

and timmy... and snape... especially snape.
P.I.R chapter 9 . 3/31/2011
WHOOO! I got all the references! :D I AM A FISHING GENIUS!

And the Dib/Zim interaction was AWESOME! :D

And... How will Dib contact the Tallest? O_o Hhhhhhmmmmmmmm?


Uuuuuuuuuuuuupdaaaaaaaaaate, OR BE... SOMETHING! .
Zim'sMostLoyalServant chapter 9 . 3/31/2011
I liked the Fairly Oddparents reference, and the references to the things Zim's been doing lately and how they really count more as pranks than world conquest attempts. Also, it was interesting to see how Dib still felt sorry for Zim and his fear of water, despite knowing that he's trying to take over the world - young Dib would have taken advantage of the situation.

Can't wait to see Dib's contact with the Tallest.

Keep up the good work.

Zim'sMostLoyalServant signing off.
Grogie13 chapter 8 . 3/25/2011
Only error I caught: chapter title should say "pleasant". But everything else was MAGITASTIC.

u gud writer. I kill u last.

I usually don't like Gaz, but her appearance here was interesting, to say the least. Aghh, man, I just love your stories, do keep writing. I would love to read more.
Daisy's Dead Rose chapter 2 . 3/20/2011
Yesterday I was in the middle of reading the first chapter the power went out for the whole town it was kinda frustrating because it was out for almost three hours thankfully it was nice outside (latly we have been having snow and rain and all that bad wheather).

Anyways interesting story.

I like it!
Adeptis chapter 8 . 3/19/2011
Good chapter.
Pure Aura-Chan chapter 8 . 3/18/2011
Haha, I caught onto the Jimmy and Dexter refrences right away! What a nice spot to put them in! Anywho, thanks again for the good read and I can't wait until you update!
Pure Aura-Chan chapter 7 . 3/18/2011
Once again, you never failed to impress in this chapter. Wonderful job well-done!
Pure Aura-Chan chapter 6 . 3/18/2011
Awww, how adorable! We all know we love Dib's inner child. Thanks for the great read!
HeCallsMeHisChild chapter 8 . 3/18/2011
Lol! I don't watch the Cinema Snob much but I'm a mad fan of the Nostalgia Critic and Bum Reviews, so by proxy I know about Cinema Snob. Thrilled!
Zim'sMostLoyalServant chapter 8 . 3/18/2011
Nice breather chapter. I liked the references, and how quickly Dib's (and by extension, the people around him) relapsing into the way they were in their younger years.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

Keep up the good work.

Zim'sMostLoyalServant signing off.
P.I.R chapter 8 . 3/18/2011
Stop calling me a kiddo. I'M NOT THAT MUCH YOUNGER THAN YOU!

And PIR did not see any grammar or spelling mistakes... O_O I must be losing my touch.

Yay cartoon genius trio! Wait, its foursome! O_o Whats a word for four that people won't pervert?

I find the idea that Dib and Gaz might have gotten along, it kept me giggling for a few minutes. :D

WHOO GAZ! Is she going to appear more?

You is still awesome Siddy! (Yes, I am going to call you that to IRK you now. X))

NOW... I have to put this. Update.

Update sooooons. :) And more good luck with the stess stuff.
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