Reviews for I Never Knew
gabby1017 chapter 23 . 6/16/2023
I love that you gave us answers... yet, we can understand everything will play out for them... You didn't rush us through their lives... I loved this.
gabby1017 chapter 22 . 6/16/2023
Well, that was a heart racer!
gabby1017 chapter 21 . 6/16/2023
Now, that Bella forgave Renee... it's time to give Edward a chance to explain.
gabby1017 chapter 20 . 6/16/2023
Why does Edward feel responsible? Hmmm, the plot thickens.
gabby1017 chapter 19 . 6/14/2023
It's like potato chips... You just can't eat one!
gabby1017 chapter 18 . 6/14/2023
Renee is one sick puppy... They needed to be together... now, Bella gets it. Hopefully, she doesn't question Edward again.
Luvntwilight chapter 23 . 6/14/2023
Absolutely loved this story!
tunsia chapter 23 . 6/14/2023
Wonderful story ! Thanks
gabby1017 chapter 17 . 6/14/2023
That's a given!
gabby1017 chapter 16 . 6/14/2023
The exploration was sweet, honest... so loving.
gabby1017 chapter 15 . 6/14/2023
Hot, sweet, and tender. Awwwww.
gabby1017 chapter 14 . 6/14/2023
He's a keeper.
gabby1017 chapter 13 . 6/14/2023
gabby1017 chapter 12 . 6/14/2023
Oooo, that was such a good scene. And Bella held her own... Edward was a great support.
gabby1017 chapter 11 . 6/14/2023
Of course, Renee would show up unannounced. Such a touching chapter.
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