Reviews for Coming Back Late
Anon chapter 45 . 10/24/2024
So, incomplete. Not a total surprise given the over complexity of the plot (or plots). A bit odd to read multiple insults of Rowling, but then no finish to this work.

Oh well. Thanks for writing.
Anon chapter 33 . 10/23/2024
Decent story thus far, a bit too much convenient machinations and plot devices, but the worst part, by far, is the harping about Rowling. Bitter much? Hope you’ve grown up a bit since writing this.
Anon chapter 7 . 10/22/2024
Would be nice if Harry showed up and whooped Hermione’s ass for that bs with Teddy.
JerHat chapter 4 . 9/6/2024
Every story about magically binding marriages with no divorce and similar ideas like abortion making a witch infertile or rape making the woman bound to the wizard. Guh. Garbage.
G Fawkes chapter 45 . 9/4/2024
I can't believe I read another fic that was abandoned after 220 K words, 12 YEARS AGO! I t is my fault. I am the idiot. I will not disparage the author.
(I will keep repeating to myself until I calm down)
G Fawkes chapter 35 . 9/2/2024
Once a ho-bag, always a ho-bag! And Ginny never, ever, stopped being a gold digging, attention whore... and, uh, the other kind, too.
G Fawkes chapter 32 . 9/2/2024
Discuss all you want. It's fan-FICTION. You write, we read. We don't like? We stop reading. JKR wrote the original. And literally a million people have written some variation that changes what SHE wrote. It's the entire premise of fanfiction.
I've read something like 1800 DIFFERENT fanfics. Quit about 300 more, so they aren't in that number. The reason we read IS the variation, and new, different ideas people come up with. My rate of " like, dislike" is about 1 in 7, That sounds a whole lot better, in context, than saying "OMG, I quit 300 fanfics cuz I hated them!"
G Fawkes chapter 26 . 8/30/2024
She better figure out some way to sit on his face, if he pulls her back out of the Veil!
G Fawkes chapter 23 . 8/28/2024
Books - are Canon. The entire J K ROWLING Empire is built on seven books. The non-Compliant, bullsh**, total crap, MOVIES are not Canon.
The Ministry, in CANON, is entered on the Atrium level, one level BELOW ground, and goes DOWN ten floors, BELOW the Atrium.
There is NO up. There is NO being UP, and going DOWN to the Atrium level, unless you are in the fake entrance on London street level. There is no floor that Hermione's office would be on that she would go DOWN, from TO the Atrium.
And... The elevators (lifts) ONLY go up and down! None of that sideways, horizontal, or diagonal BS, either!
G Fawkes chapter 22 . 8/28/2024
I cannot stand that gold-digging, broom closet shagging, smelly, stinky, firebrand, WHORE, and I don't even like having her IN a story I read!
G Fawkes chapter 21 . 8/28/2024
Polyjuice only transfers the PERSON into another person. It doesn't change clothes. Hermione would have had to look at Lovinett's suit, transfigured Teddy's clothes, and THEN pop him back to his office. And he popped back almost instantaneously. I aint buyin' it.
Has he tried sticking the wand in a pencil sharpener and just grind it down to a nub. Then, dump all the shavings out, and light a match.
What about just breaking it in two?
G Fawkes chapter 20 . 8/27/2024
Eventually, somewhere along the way, you're going to make her explain "Enthalpy House", right? I doubt there's any character in all of JKR world that would understand the word, let alone the concept. Ok. Maybe Croaker.
G Fawkes chapter 19 . 8/27/2024
Yeah, and if you turn that pensieve upside down, it has in black Sharpie marker, "Property of the Potter Family", with Charlus crossed out, and James written in below it. I'm sure Albus helped himself to quite a few things. Harry's trust vault. The cloak. The throne chair in the great hall. Most of the books in his office...
G Fawkes chapter 14 . 8/25/2024
You know that gagging reflex you get when you're brushing your tongue, and the brush goes too far back? THAT'S what I just had when I read "blue cheese" in an omelette! It's probably my mold allergy, but I can't even smell blue cheese. I actually don't even like to see it!
But I LOVE making omelettes, so ruining one with blue cheese has never even been considered.
G Fawkes chapter 8 . 8/24/2024
Thinking back to Canon... more than three drops of Veritaserum is FATAL.
There is also an antidote that is given for it when they're done.
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