Reviews for Till I'm A Hundred, You Idiot |
Goldentime chapter 1 . 6/28 I totally agree with you. EdRoy fan are disgusting pedophiles. Go to jail, heal yourself or die. Pedophiles are the worst criminals, it is not a game. |
maryh10000 chapter 2 . 8/8/2021 "So don't drink." Laughed out loud at that. Very intriguing, the idea that Roy would have explained the real reason for his 'dates' to Ed when he was 14. I also assumed that the tachi would have been in the know very early. Not sure that I buy that they were literally Roy's adopted sisters, adopted by Chris, but it could fit the manga. |
Guest chapter 2 . 6/18/2021 I honestly love your characterization of both Ed and Roy's personalities. They're so on point, it's a breath of fresh air after seeing so much OOCness from other fics. |
NarutoAdmirer21 chapter 100 . 12/13/2020 Wow I wasnt expecting a reference to the title in the last chapter - I love that link between the first and last chapters! This was an absolutely amazing fic - each chapter was a new story and you've explored so many possibilities - its like a fanfic of fanfics! These were all written so incredibly well too - your angsty chapters in particular kept me clung tightly to my seat or struck with how emotionally powerful your words were There were so many memorable chapters that I can't even choose a favourite! I loved reading this fanfic and thoroughly enjoyed how well you explored the bond between Roy and Ed - I absolutely loved this fic! |
iNatix chapter 1 . 12/12/2020 Hello! I was looking back at my account for some good memories, and wanted to say that this is still one of my favorite stories on this site. Your writing has stuck with me for a long time, and it pops fondly into my mind very frequently even as I've been extremely inactive with FMA. Thank you for this fantastic series, and thanks for setting such a high standard for what I expect in good stories! :) |
Anonymous Person chapter 23 . 9/2/2020 I just realized, that Memo and Waiting pretty much take place in an AU in which Roy ends up taking Maes spot in canon. |
Anonymous Person chapter 21 . 9/2/2020 I get the feeling that while the rest of the country might still believe in the mystique of the Fullmetal Alchemist, that same mystique probably disappeared within like a month of knowing the Elric brothers, at least for anyone working in one Colonel Mustang's office. |
Clairdetoile chapter 27 . 9/4/2019 Poor all of them! It's so sad. And in the same time a so beatiful story... |
Clairdetoile chapter 11 . 8/7/2019 This is just... waouh! |
Sidekicks-anonymous chapter 100 . 12/3/2018 Ah, what a lovely set of drabbles... thank you. |
Sidekicks-anonymous chapter 90 . 12/3/2018 *dies of feels* |
Sidekicks-anonymous chapter 50 . 12/3/2018 I actually cried. Thanks a lot... emotional teenager Al needs to be written more often. |
Sidekicks-anonymous chapter 38 . 12/3/2018 Aaaaa, that was so good! This story and its predecessor were lovely. |
Zamara27 chapter 48 . 11/11/2018 Your writting is phenomenal! I've always been hesitant to read 100-short-story type fanfics, but I read the first chapter and immediately pressed favorite, if ONLY for the first chapter. It was that good! And now I'm on chapter 48, and the quality has only improved. Thank you so much for writing so these! They're so much fun (and angsty) and I've still got 52 to go! |